
How to mock super reference (on super class)?(如何模拟超级参考(在超级类上)?)



Sometimes when I write unit tests I should to mock reference to superclass.


此答案answer with DI 建议重构代码.但我做不到

This answer answer with DI advice to refactor code. But I cannot it

如果超类方法足够大,则此答案另一个答案不适合.就我而言,我有非常大的代码.是的,我知道它违反了 SOLID OOD 原则,但我应该编写测试.我没有足够的时间进行重构.

this answer another answer is not suitable if superclass method is enough big. In my case I have very big code. Yes I know that it is brokes SOLID OOD principes but I just should to write test. I have not enough time for refactor.

该问题是 4 年前提出的!

said question was asked 4 years ago!

目前 Mockito 或 Powermock 是否可以解决此问题?

Does currently Mockito or Powermock can resolve this issue ?


class BaseService {  
    public void save() {
      // a lot of code here! I cannot change this code.

public Childservice extends BaseService {  
    public void save(){  
        //logic for testing
       //logic for testing

更新 2

public class Parent {
    public int save() {
         return 99;

public class Child extends Parent {
    public int save() {
        int i = super.save();
        return i*2;


public class ParentTest {
    public void testSave() {       
        System.out.println(new Child().save());



使用 Powermock 您可以替换或抑制方法,因此可以更改 BaseService.save() 完成的操作.您还可以使方法对抑制不做任何事情.您甚至可以抑制静态初始化程序块.

With Powermock you can replace or suppress methods, so it is possible to change the action done by BaseService.save(). You can also make methods to do nothing with suppressing. You can even suppress static initializer blocks.

请阅读 Powermock 作者的这篇博文.请参阅更换"一章.

Please read this blog entry of the Powermock authors. See chapter "Replacing".



Suppress seems to work for me, but replace not. See the picture below:




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