如何通过 FTP 与 Eclipse RSE 同步文件?

How to synchronize files over FTP with Eclipse RSE?(如何通过 FTP 与 Eclipse RSE 同步文件?)
本文介绍了如何通过 FTP 与 Eclipse RSE 同步文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我安装了 Helios,它具有最新版本的 RSE 包,我可以很好地从远程服务器复制文件,但我似乎无法使用审查/同步"选项.我选择远程目录上的文件夹,指定本地目录的进入文件夹",点击完成,没有任何东西被同步.想法?

I installed Helios, which has the latest version of the RSE package, and I could copy files from the remote server just fine, but I don't seem to be able to use the "Review/Synchronize" option. I select the folder on the remote directory, specify the "Into folder" of the local directory, hit Finish, and nothing ever gets synced. Thoughts?



You have an explication in this tutorial : https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/attachment.cgi?id=110113



  1. 点击帮助>软件更新
  2. 点击Add Site按钮,弹出Add Site对话框.

在对话框中,在 Location 字段中输入 http://eclipse-incub.sourceforge.net/updates-soc/rse-sync/ 并按 确定.

In the dialog, input http://eclipse-incub.sourceforge.net/updates-soc/rse-sync/ into the Location field and press OK.


如果您还没有在 RSE 中建立 ssh 连接,则需要在 RSE 中创建与远程主机的连接.

It's necessary to create connection with remote host in RSE, if you have not had ssh connection in RSE yet.

  1. 窗口>开放视角 >远程系统资源管理器
  2. 在远程系统视图中,点击工具栏最左边的图标,弹出New Connection对话框.
  3. 在对话框中,选择 SSH Only 作为连接类型,然后单击下一步.
  4. 根据您的环境填空并完成.现在 ssh 连接已创建.
  1. Window > Open Perspective > Remote System Explorer
  2. In Remote Systems view, click the leftmost icon in the tool bar and New Connection dialog pops up.
  3. In the dialog, select the SSH Only as a connection type and click Next.
  4. Fill the blanks to meet your environment and Finish. Now ssh connection is created.



For initial synchronize, you can "import" from remote resource to local project or "export" from local project to remote folder.



  1. 在 RSE 中右键单击要从中导入的任意文件夹,然后在弹出菜单上单击 Import To Project...(Sync).
  2. 弹出导入向导.远程文件夹已被选中,但您可以通过单击右上角的 Browse 按钮进行更改.
  3. 您需要选择要导入的目标本地项目.在 Into folder 字段中输入目标项目名称或使用 Browse 按钮进行选择.目标项目必须存在于本地.
  4. 检查操作.

  1. Right-click the arbitrary folder you want to import from in RSE and click Import To Project...(Sync) on the pop-up menu.
  2. The Import Wizard pops up. The remote folder is already selected but you can change by clicking top-right Browse button.
  3. You need to select the destination local project to import. Input the destination project name in the Into folder field or select with the Browse button. The destination project must exist in local side.
  4. Check operations.

查看/同步:手动导入.您可以在 Team Synchronize Perspective 中自行导入所需的资源.

Review/Synchronize: Manual import. You can import resources you want by yourself in Team Synchronize Perspective.


Overwrite existing resources without warning: Currently this option is ignored. Always no warning.


Save the settings..: Save the setting for re-synchronization. If check this box, you need to decide where setting file is saved in the local workspace.




Unless you check the box of Review/Synchronize, the import operation done automatically.


Otherwise, you are asked to switch perspective to Team Synchronize.

5-a.在 Team Synchronize 视图中,您可以看到您选择的标记资源.您可以获取"来导入资源.

5-a. In Team Synchronize view, you can see the marked resources you selected. You can "Get" to import resources.



  1. 在 RSE 中右键单击要导出到的任意文件夹,然后在弹出菜单中单击 Export From Project...(Sync).
  2. 导出向导弹出.远程文件夹已被选中,但您可以通过单击 Browse 按钮进行更改.
  3. 您需要选择要导出的资源.
  4. 检查操作.

  1. Right-click the arbitrary folder you want to export to in RSE and click Export From Project...(Sync) on the pop-up menu.
  2. The Export Wizard pops up. The remote folder is already selected but you can change by clicking Browse button.
  3. You need to select the resources to export.
  4. Check operations.

查看/同步:手动导出.您可以在 Team Synchronize Perspective 中自己导出所需的资源.

Review/Synchronize: Manual export. You can export resources you want by yourself in Team Synchronize Perspective.


Overwrite existing resources without warning: Currently this option is ignored. Always no warning.


Save the settings..: Save the setting for re-synchronization. If check this box, you need to decide where setting file is saved in the local workspace.




Unless you check the box of Review/Synchronize, the export operation done automatically.


Otherwise, you are asked to switch perspective to Team Synchronize.

5-a.在 Team Synchronize 视图中,您可以看到您选择的标记资源.您可以Put"导出资源.

5-a. In Team Synchronize view, you can see the marked resources you selected. You can "Put" to export resources.


  1. 在Package Explorer中右键单击扩展名为rimpfdrexpfd的设置文件.

1-a:如果选择rimpfd,点击Import from Remote File System (Sync)

1-a: If you select rimpfd, click the Import from Remote File System (Sync)

1-b:如果选择rexpfd,点击Export to Remote File System (Sync)

1-b: If you select rexpfd, click the Export to Remote File System (Sync)

这篇关于如何通过 FTP 与 Eclipse RSE 同步文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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