在 Windows 上的远程服务器 (FTP) 上使用 Eclipse 开发 PHP

Developing PHP with Eclipse on a remote server (FTP) on Windows(在 Windows 上的远程服务器 (FTP) 上使用 Eclipse 开发 PHP)
本文介绍了在 Windows 上的远程服务器 (FTP) 上使用 Eclipse 开发 PHP的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 Eclipse 方面,我是一个真正的笨蛋,但我也很穷,这就是我选择它的原因.

I'm a real klutz when it comes to Eclipse, but I'm also poor, which is why it is the option I've chosen.

我已经安装了 Eclipse 3.5、Eclipse for PHP 和 RSE.我实际上已经到了可以创建一个新的(本地)项目并将所有文件下载到我的本地(Windows)计算机的地步.我没有在我的本地机器上运行任何类型的网络服务器,我希望暂时保持这种状态.

I've installed Eclipse 3.5, Eclipse for PHP, and RSE. I've actually gotten to a point where I can create a new (local) project and download all files to my local (Windows) computer. I'm not running any kind of web server on my local box, and am hoping to keep it that way for now.

我已经将我的远程文件夹导入到我的本地项目中,在那里我可以看到我的所有 PHP 文件并对其进行编辑.但是当然,当我保存时,它只是保存本地副本.没有放置"命令吗?我不能直接保存到服务器吗?或者立即同步那个文件?我当然不希望在每次小的增量更改之后都必须执行复杂的同步操作.

I've imported my remote folder into my local project, where I can see all my PHP files and edit them. But of course, when I save, it just saves the local copy. Is there no "put" command? Can I not save straight to the server? Or perform an immediate sync of that one file? I certainly wouldn't want to have to perform a complex sync operation after every little incremental change.

我不知道 RSE 到底是什么,也不知道它是如何工作的,而且文档充其量是隐藏的,最坏的情况是根本不存在.有人对我有什么建议吗?我的工作流程应该是什么(禁止任何本地服务器进行测试)?

I have no idea what RSE really is, nor how it works, and the documentation is, well, cloaked at best, non-existent at worst. Does anyone have some tips for me? What should my workflow be (barring any local server to test)?

理想情况下,我希望能够直接从远程服务器上的位置打开整个项目",并完全避免处理本地"副本.如果做不到这一点,我愿意获取"整个远程站点一次,然后手动放置"我在本地更改的单个文件,前提是这不是一个繁琐的过程.我要求太多了吗?Dreamweaver 以这种方式运行,但它对 PHP 的支持充其量是有限的,不能被视为成熟的 IDE...

Ideally, I would love to be able to open up the entire "project" directly from its location on the remote server and avoid dealing with a "local" copy altogether. Failing that, I would be willing to "get" the entire remote site once, and then manually "put" individual files that I change locally back, provided it's not a cumbersome process. Am I asking too much? Dreamweaver operates this way, but it's support for PHP is limited at best and can't be considered a full-fledged IDE...


我使用 WinSCP 并启用 远程同步.
本地系统上的所有更改都会通过 SCP/FTP 自动同步到服务器上.

I use WinSCP and enable remote synchronization.
Everything that changes on the local system is automatically synchronized trough SCP/FTP onto the server.

这篇关于在 Windows 上的远程服务器 (FTP) 上使用 Eclipse 开发 PHP的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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