NoSuchAlgorithmException:算法 HmacSHA1 不可用

NoSuchAlgorithmException: Algorithm HmacSHA1 not available(NoSuchAlgorithmException:算法 HmacSHA1 不可用)
本文介绍了NoSuchAlgorithmException:算法 HmacSHA1 不可用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



Look at the following line of java:



If I put this in a simple test program, it runs without problems on my server. However, if I use this line in a container, I get Algorithm HmacSHA1 not available
  at javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance(DashoA13*..)

在这两种情况下都使用相同的 JDK 安装.

The same JDK installation is used in both cases.


After googling around a bit, I managed to get it to work by doing two things:

  1. $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext中的sunjce_provider.jar复制到容器的lib目录中.
  2. 将以下行添加到我的代码中:

  1. Copying sunjce_provider.jar from $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext to the lib directory of the container.
  2. Adding the following line to my code: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE());

具体来说,这发生在我的 Apache James 邮件中,但我很漂亮确定这与 JVM 选项有关.这里是启动脚本 它使用.

Specifically, this happens to me in an Apache James mailet, but I'm pretty sure this is has to do with JVM options. Here is the startup script that it uses.


Although I got it to work in the end, the solution feels too hacked to be the right one. I would appreciate an explanation of what is going on, as well as a more "proper" solution.

相关问题:使用Java加密导致NoSuchAlgorithmException.但是,在这种情况下,我很确定应该支持开箱即用的 HmacSHA1 算法.作为证据,这在测试程序中没有问题.

Related question: Using Java crypto leads to NoSuchAlgorithmException. However, in this case I'm pretty sure the HmacSHA1 algorithm should be supported out of the box. As evidence, this works without problems in a test program.


启动脚本将 java.ext.dirs 设置为其自己的目录集(特定于应用程序),但省略了"normal" 扩展目录 ($JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/),它是 sunjce_provider.jar 所在的位置.这解释了您的第一点(将 Jar 文件复制到 lib 目录使其再次可见).这很容易复制.

The startup script sets the java.ext.dirs to its own set of directories (specific to the application) but omitting the "normal" extension directory ($JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/) which is where sunjce_provider.jar resides. This explains your first point (copying the Jar file to the lib directory makes it visible again). This is easily reproduced.

至于第二点,我认为这是由于启动脚本使用 选项设置的策略文件所致.某些提供程序是否可用取决于策略文件.默认策略文件使 SunJCE 提供程序可用,但由于启动脚本要求使用非默认的自定义策略文件,因此一切正常.我建议你看看那个策略文件.

As for the second point, I think this is due the policy file that the startup script sets with the option. Whether some providers are available or not depends on policy files. The default policy file makes the SunJCE provider available, but since the startup scripts mandates a non-default, custom policy file, then anything goes. I suggest you take a look at that policy file.

例如,在我的系统上(Ubuntu Linux,Ubuntu 打包的 Sun JVM 1.6.0_20),默认策略文件在 /etc/java-6-sun/security/ 并包含(除其他外)以下几行:

For instance, on my system (Ubuntu Linux, with Sun JVM 1.6.0_20 as packaged by Ubuntu), the default policy file is in /etc/java-6-sun/security/ and contains (among others) the following lines:

它定义了默认情况下应该可用的提供程序.根据您的症状,我认为自定义策略文件使 SunJCE 不可用,除非明确注册(这是可以理解的,因为启动脚本还删除了对包含 SunJCE 的 Jar 文件的访问......).

which define what providers should be available by default. From your symptoms, I think that the custom policy file made SunJCE unavailable unless explicitly registered (which is understandable since the startup script also removed the access to the Jar file containing SunJCE...).

这篇关于NoSuchAlgorithmException:算法 HmacSHA1 不可用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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