JavaScript 未在 HtmlUnit 中正确执行

JavaScript not being properly executed in HtmlUnit(JavaScript 未在 HtmlUnit 中正确执行)
本文介绍了JavaScript 未在 HtmlUnit 中正确执行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在使用 HtmlUnit 开发一些测试.它正在加载一个包含 Braintree.js(他们的表单加密库)的页面.我有一堆正在运行,但我被困在它称为加密的地方.有问题的JS是:

I'm currently developing some tests with HtmlUnit. It's loading a page that contains braintree.js (their form encryption library). I have a bunch running, but I'm stuck where it calls crypto. The JS in question is:

  (function() {
        try {
            var ab = new Uint32Array(32);
            sjcl.random.addEntropy(ab, 1024, "crypto.getRandomValues");
        } catch (e) {}

HtmlUnit 正在抛出:

HtmlUnit is throwing:

EcmaError, ReferenceError, "'crypto' is not defined."

我想 HtmlUnit 不包括加密.是否可以自己包含一个加密库?

I suppose HtmlUnit doesn't include crypto. Would it be possible to include a crypto library myself?


根据您的评论,我不得不告诉您,HtmlUnit 在涉及到 JavaScript 时是一个令人头疼的问题.它会抱怨很多没有定义的变量和未知的函数等等.

Based on your comment, I have to tell you that HtmlUnit is a pain in the neck when it comes to JavaScript. It will complain a lot about variables not being defined and unknown functions and so on.

真正的浏览器更灵活,例如:它们接受语法不正确的 JavaScript 片段.HtmlUnit 期望一切都是完美的,没有任何错误.此外,即使您没有错过分号,HtmlUnit 也可能会抱怨.

Real browsers are more flexible, eg: they accept syntactically incorrect pieces of JavaScript. HtmlUnit expects everything to be perfect without any kind of error. Furthermore, even if you didn't miss a semicolon, HtmlUnit might complain.


  • 确保您的 JavaScript 语法正确
  • 避免使用复杂库的用户(jQuery 似乎得到了适当的支持)
  • 如果您可以使用非最小化版本的库,那么值得一试
  • 尽量避免使用复杂的 jQuery 方法(例如:向元素动态添加事件)
  • 还有最重要的一点:尝试在不同的 BrowserVersions 之间切换.事实证明,Internet Explorer(具有讽刺意味的是)在解释 JavaScript 时提供了最佳结果
  • Make sure your JavaScript is syntactically correct
  • Avoid the user of complex libraries (jQuery seems to be properly supported)
  • If you can use non-minimized versions of libraries it's worth giving it a try
  • Try to avoid complex jQuery methods (eg: adding events dynamically to elements)
  • And the most important one: Try switching between different BrowserVersions. Internet Explorer (ironically) has proven to provide the best results when it comes to interpreting JavaScript

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