Android GingerBread 及之前的日历视图 (API<11)

Calendar view for Android GingerBread and before (APIlt;11)(Android GingerBread 及之前的日历视图 (API11))
本文介绍了Android GingerBread 及之前的日历视图 (API<11)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个包含日期和详细信息的 HTML 表格.我想在日历视图中显示它.我找到了内置的 API 11 CalendarView,但是当我使用 API 8(我需要它...)时,我无法对其进行充气.

I'm having an HTML table with dates and details. I want to show it in a calendar view. I've found the built-in API 11 CalendarView, but I can't inflate it when I'm using API 8 (which I need...)


PS. I don't need a fully functioning calendar. I just want to show this information.


Is there any way to solve it?


正如你所说,在旧的 api 级别中无法显示日历,但你可以尝试一些开源项目:

As you mentioned, there is no way to show a calendar in older api levels, but you can try some open source projects:

  • android-calendar-view
  • CalendarView

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