
Convert Date by TimeZone(按时区转换日期)


在上面的代码中,我想将服务器的时区 (GMT-02:00) 的日期转换为我的设备 (GMT-03:00) 的时区.但我总是有相同的服务器日期.我做错了什么?

In that code above I want to transform a Date by the TimeZone of Server (GMT-02:00) to TimeZone from my Device (GMT-03:00). But I Always have the same Date of the server. What I doing wrong?

时区 timeZoneServer = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneServerString);长时间 = new Long(Long.valueOf(timeInMilis));

TimeZone timeZoneServer = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneServerString); Long time = new Long(Long.valueOf(timeInMilis));

        Calendar calendarDateServer =   Calendar.getInstance(timeZoneServer);
        long miliServer = calendarDateServer.getTimeInMillis();

        TimeZone timeZoneMeu = TimeZone.getDefault();
        Calendar meuCalendario =  new GregorianCalendar();

        Date transformedDate = meuCalendario.getTime();

        return transformedDate; 



您假设 Date 有一个时区作为开始.它没有.Calendar 可以,但 Date 自 Unix 纪元以来只有 毫秒.它不知道日历系统或时区.这只是一个时间点.

You're assuming that a Date has a time zone to start with. It doesn't. A Calendar does, but a Date is just milliseconds since the Unix epoch. It doesn't know about calendar systems or time zones. It's just a point in time.

不清楚你想对结果做什么 - 但如果它是格式化显示的问题,只需使用 SimpleDateFormat 并在 that 上设置时区而是.

It's not clear what you want to do with the result - but if it's a matter of formatting it for display, just use SimpleDateFormat and set the time zone on that instead.

我还强烈建议您使用 Joda Time 而不是内置类型...这是一个更明智的 API.

I would also strongly recommend that you use Joda Time instead of the built-in types... it's a much more sensible API.




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