
Force point (quot;.quot;) as decimal separator in java(强制点(“.)作为java中的小数分隔符)



I currently use the following code to print a double:

return String.format("%.2f", someDouble);

这很好用,除了 Java 使用我的语言环境的小数分隔符(逗号)而我想使用点.有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?

This works well, except that Java uses my Locale's decimal separator (a comma) while I would like to use a point. Is there an easy way to do this?


使用String.format 可让您指定语言环境:

Use the overload of String.format which lets you specify the locale:

return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%.2f", someDouble);

如果您 格式化数字 - 就像您在这里一样 - 那么使用 NumberFormat 可能更合适.但是,如果您需要 String.format 的其余格式化功能,这应该可以正常工作.

If you're only formatting a number - as you are here - then using NumberFormat would probably be more appropriate. But if you need the rest of the formatting capabilities of String.format, this should work fine.




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