
How to verify if method was called from other with same class by mockito(如何通过mockito验证是否从其他具有相同类的方法调用)




I want to test some methods that call others in the same class. They are basically the same methods, but with different numbers of arguments because there are some default values in a database. I show on this

public class A{
    Integer quantity;
    Integer price;        

    A(Integer q, Integer v){
        this quantity = q;
        this.price = p;

    public Float getPriceForOne(){
        return price/quantity;

    public Float getPrice(int quantity){
        return getPriceForOne()*quantity;

所以我想测试调用getPrice(int)方法时是否调用了getPriceForOne()方法.基本上像平常一样调用 getPrice(int) 并模拟 getPriceForOne.

So I want to test if the method getPriceForOne() was called when calling the method getPrice(int). Basically call getPrice(int) as normal and mock getPriceForOne.

import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;

public class MyTests {
    A mockedA = createMockA();

    public void getPriceTest(){
        A a = new A(3,15);
        ... test logic of method without mock ...

        verify(mockedA, times(1)).getPriceForOne();


Please keep in mind that I have a much more complicated file that's a utility for others and they must all be in one file.


你需要一个间谍,而不是一个模拟 A:

You would need a spy, not a mock A:

    A a = Mockito.spy(new A(1,1));
    verify(a, times(1)).getPriceForOne();




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