I currently have an arraylist of points from a freehand drawing on a canvas. I was wondering if there is a simple algorithm to detect if that shape represents a circle.I have already researched this a little and the main items I am pointed at are either the Hough transform or having bitmap images but both of these seem a little over the top for what I need it for. Any pointers to algorithms or implementation would be very helpful.
thanks in advance sansoms,
If you do not know what the user wanted to draw (e.g., a circle, an ellipse, a line, or a rectangle), you could use some basic optimization algorithm to find the shape best matching the hand-drawn points.
- 对于每个基本形状(椭圆形、矩形、三角形、直线等),创建该形状的随机实例并测量误差 w.r.t.给定点
- (单独)优化每个形状,直到获得与给定点最匹配的椭圆、与点最匹配的矩形、最佳三角形等.
- 选择误差最小的形状并绘制它