我对 maven 和 testng 完全陌生.我使用 maven 作为构建工具,并使用 testng 作为我的测试框架.我没有遵循标准的 Maven 项目结构.现在我希望我的 pom.xml
如果你把它放在一个地方,你需要设置 maven-surefire-plugin 配置的 testClassesDirectory
所有这些都在 Maven Surefire 插件文档中详细记录了p>
I am completely new to maven and testng. I am using maven as build tool, and testng as my testing framework. I am not following the standard maven project structure. Now I want my pom.xml
to execute the test cases in my project. The question is, how pom.xml
knows what are the test cases to consider for execution?
If you keep this in a single place you need to set the testClassesDirectory
argument of the maven-surefire-plugin configuration:
<testClassesDirectory>path/to/compiled test classes</testClassesDirectory>
All of this is well documented in the Maven Surefire Plugin Documentation
这篇关于maven pom.xml 如何识别非标准项目结构中的 testng 测试用例?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!