I have some docs with two fields: text, count.
我使用 Lucene
I've used Lucene
to index docs and now I want to search in text and get the result sorted by count in descending order. How can I do that?
Apache Lucene 的默认搜索实现返回按 score 排序的结果(最相关的结果在前),然后按 id 排序(最旧的结果在前).
The default search implementation of Apache Lucene returns results sorted by score (the most relevant result first), then by id (the oldest result first).
This behavior can be customized at query time with an additionnal Sort parameter .
TopFieldDocs Searcher#search(Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
TopFieldDocs Searcher#search(Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
Sort 参数指定用于排序的字段或属性.默认实现是这样定义的:
The Sort parameter specifies the fields or properties used for sorting. The default implementation is defined this way :
new Sort(new SortField[] { SortField.FIELD_SCORE, SortField.FIELD_DOC });
To change sorting, you just have to replace fields with the ones you want :
new Sort(new SortField[] {
new SortField("field_1", SortField.STRING),
new SortField("field_2", SortField.STRING) });
This sounds simple, but will not work until the following conditions are met :
- 必须指定 SortField(String field, int) 的类型参数type) 让 Lucene 找到你的字段,即使这很正常可选.
- You have to specify the type parameter of SortField(String field, int type) to make Lucene find your field, even if this is normaly optional.
The sort fields must be indexed but not tokenized :
document.add (new Field ("byNumber", Integer.toString(x), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
The sort fields content must be plain text only. If only one single element has a special character or accent in one of the fields used for sorting, the whole search will return unsorted results.