根据 Google 的 .它说,App Engine Connected Android Project"已在 GPE v3.0.0 中删除.可以降级到包含此菜单项的最新版本 (2.6.1),可以下载 这里.
整个迁移的原因是,C2DM [现在] 已弃用,[我们] 应该改用 GCM".此外
<块引用>[用于使用 GCM] 的官方文档正在编写中.同时报名参加端点受信任的测试程序在http://endpoints-trusted-tester.appspot.com.
他们还计划在具有 GCM 集成的下一个 GPE 版本中再次添加 [菜单项]",并且他们计划在 7 月底发布下一个版本".
另外,我从 Google 员工 Sparky R. 那里得到了类似的回答:
<块引用>我认为制作模板存在一个已知问题连接 GAE 的 Android 应用目前无法运行.
According to this guide by Google the "App Engine Connected Android Project" should be available after installing/configuring ADT plugin for Eclipse, Android SDK and Google Plugin for Eclipse. I have installed everything in the most recent version in both Eclipse 3.7.2 (Indigo) and Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). However, I can't create such a project in any of the two Eclipse releases. Here are my installation details in Juno:
And here is a part of my Android SDK details:
My OS is Mac OS X 10.7.4
I know that I could see the menu point on 23/6/2012 before I updated the SDK tools to the most recent version.
Is anyone experiencing a similar issue or does anyone know what I configured the wrong way?
I just found a (I would say semi-official) statement from a Google employee here. It says, that the "App Engine Connected Android Project" has been removed in GPE v3.0.0. It would be possible to downgrade to the last version containing this menu item (2.6.1), which can be downloaded here.
The reason for the whole migration is, that "C2DM [is now] deprecated and [we] should be using GCM instead". Furthermore
The official docs [for using GCM] are on the way. In the meanwhile do sign up for the endpoints trusted testers program at http://endpoints-trusted-tester.appspot.com.
They also "plan to add [the menu item] again in the next version of GPE with GCM integrations" and they "plan to release the next version end of July".
Also, I got a similar answer form the Google employee Sparky R.:
I believe there is a known issue that the template for making GAE-connected Android apps isn't working right now.
这篇关于“App Engine 连接的 Android 项目"无法使用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!