我想对 AJAX 请求和普通请求以不同的方式处理错误.
I want to handle errors differently for AJAX requests vs normal requests.
如何在 Struts2 操作中识别请求是否为 AJAX?
How do I identify whether a request is AJAX or not in Struts2 actions ?
您应该检查请求标头 X-Requested-With
是否存在并且等于 XMLHttpRequest
You should check if the Request Header X-Requested-With
is present and equals to XMLHttpRequest
请注意,并非所有 AJAX 请求都有此标头,例如 Struts2 Dojo
请求不发送它;如果您使用 Struts2-jQuery
(或任何其他新的 AJAX 框架)生成 AJAX 调用,它就在那里.
Note that not all the AJAX requests have this header, for example Struts2 Dojo
requests don't send it; if you instead are generating AJAX calls with Struts2-jQuery
(or with any other new AJAX framework), it is there.
您可以使用 Firebug 的 Net 模块
来检查它是否存在...例如,当您在 Stack Overflow 上投票时;)
You can check if it's present by using Firebug's Net module
... for example, when you vote on Stack Overflow ;)
要从 Struts2 Action
中检查它,您需要实现 ServletRequestAware
接口,然后获取 Request
To check it from within a Struts2 Action
, you need to implement the ServletRequestAware
interface, then get the Request
and check if that particular header is there like this:
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware {
private HttpServletRequest request;
public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
this.request = request;
public HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
return this.request;
public String execute() throws Exception{
boolean ajax = "XMLHttpRequest".equals(
if (ajax)
log.debug("This is an AJAX request");
log.debug("This is an ordinary request");
return SUCCESS;
注意,你也可以通过 ActionContext 获取请求,不需要实现 ServletRequestAware 接口,但不是推荐的方式:
Note that you can obtain the request via ActionContext too, without implementing the ServletRequestAware interface, but it is not the recommended way:
HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();