I noticed today that auto-boxing can sometimes cause ambiguity in method overload resolution. The simplest example appears to be this:
public class Test {
static void f(Object a, boolean b) {}
static void f(Object a, Object b) {}
static void m(int a, boolean b) { f(a,b); }
Test.java:5: reference to f is ambiguous, both method
f(java.lang.Object,boolean) in Test and method
f(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object) in Test match
static void m(int a, boolean b) { f(a, b); }
The fix to this error is trivial: just use explicit auto-boxing:
static void m(int a, boolean b) { f((Object)a, b); }
Which correctly calls the first overload as expected.
So why did the overload resolution fail? Why didn't the compiler auto-box the first argument, and accept the second argument normally? Why did I have to request auto-boxing explicitly?
当你自己将第一个参数强制转换为 Object 时,编译器将匹配方法而不使用自动装箱(JLS3 15.12.2):
When you cast the first argument to Object yourself, the compiler will match the method without using autoboxing (JLS3 15.12.2):
The first phase (§ performs overload resolution without permitting boxing or unboxing conversion, or the use of variable arity method invocation. If no applicable method is found during this phase then processing continues to the second phase.
If you don't cast it explicitly, it will go to the second phase of trying to find a matching method, allowing autoboxing, and then it is indeed ambiguous, because your second argument can be matched by boolean or Object.
The second phase (§ performs overload resolution while allowing boxing and unboxing, but still precludes the use of variable arity method invocation.
为什么在第二阶段,编译器不选择第二种方法,因为不需要对布尔参数进行自动装箱?因为在找到这两种匹配方法后,仅使用子类型转换来确定这两种方法中最具体的方法,而不管最初为匹配它们而发生的任何装箱或拆箱(第 节).
Why, in the second phase, doesn't the compiler choose the second method because no autoboxing of the boolean argument is necessary? Because after it has found the two matching methods, only subtype conversion is used to determine the most specific method of the two, regardless of any boxing or unboxing that took place to match them in the first place (§
Also: the compiler can't always choose the most specific method based on the number of auto(un)boxing needed. It can still result in ambiguous cases. For example, this is still ambiguous:
public class Test {
static void f(Object a, boolean b) {}
static void f(int a, Object b) {}
static void m(int a, boolean b) { f(a, b); } // ambiguous
请记住,用于选择匹配方法的算法(编译时步骤 2)是固定的,并在 JLS 中进行了描述.一旦进入第 2 阶段,就没有选择性的自动装箱或拆箱.编译器将定位 所有 可访问的方法(这两种情况下的两种方法)和适用的方法(同样是两种方法),然后才选择最具体的方法而不查看装箱/拆箱,即这里有歧义.
Remember that the algorithm for choosing a matching method (compile-time step 2) is fixed and described in the JLS. Once in phase 2 there is no selective autoboxing or unboxing. The compiler will locate all the methods that are accessible (both methods in these cases) and applicable (again the two methods), and only then chooses the most specific one without looking at boxing/unboxing, which is ambiguous here.
这篇关于为什么自动装箱会使 Java 中的某些调用模棱两可?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!