所以,我从事过一个 Spring Boot 项目,现在我正在研究数据库.我认为最好为数据库设置两个用户:
So, I've worked on a spring boot project and now I am working on the database. I thought that it would be best to set two users for the database:
一个可以访问用户表以进行 login/register/information
one that has access to the user table for login/register/information
update and another for accessing the other tables.
我的想法是为两个 DataSource 创建两个单独的 bean,每个都有一个单独的用户,当用户想要登录时,控制器会相应地更改 JDBC 模板 DataSource.
My idea was to create two separate beans for two DataSources each with a separate user and when a user wants to log in, the controller would change the JDBCtemplate DataSource accordingly.
但我不确定这是否可行,因为 JDBC 模板已经被定义为 Spring Boot 项目并且我不知道它的范围(我假设如果它不是会话 bean,则更改 DataSource 将适用于所有用户,而不仅仅是一个用户)
But I am not sure if that would work since the JDBCtemplate is already defined as a spring boot project and I don't know it's scope (I assume if it is not a session bean, changing the DataSource would be for all users, not just for one user)
Does anyone have an idea about how should I tackle this problem? Please let me know!
你可以创建2个JdbcTemplate bean:
You can create 2 JdbcTemplate beans:
// declare
public JdbcTemplate createJdbcTemplate1(@Autowired @Qualifier("datasource1") DataSource dataSource1){
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource1);
public JdbcTemplate createJdbcTemplate2(@Autowired @Qualifier("datasource2") DataSource dataSource2){
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource2);
and specify name of bean when autowiring:
// use jdbcTemplate1 for login/register/information
protected JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate1;
// use jdbcTemplate2 for other
protected JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate2;
这篇关于通过 jdbc 模板使用两个数据源的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!