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      1. QueryDsl - 集合表达式中的子查询

        QueryDsl - subquery in collection expression(QueryDsl - 集合表达式中的子查询)
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                • 本文介绍了QueryDsl - 集合表达式中的子查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 spring-data-jpa 和 querydsl (3.2.3)
                  我有一个场景,我正在根据用户文件管理器/输入创建一组谓词.所有这些都来自 BooleanExpression.

                  I'm using spring-data-jpa and querydsl (3.2.3)
                  I have a scenario where I'm creating set of predicates based on user filer/input. All of these comes to BooleanExpression.


                  My simplified model looks as following:

                  public class Invoice {
                      private Supplier supplier;
                  public class Supplier {
                      private String number;
                  public class Company {
                      private String number;
                      private boolean active


                  Now, what I'm struggling with is this query:

                  SELECT * FROM Invoice WHERE invoice.supplier.number in (SELECT number from Company where active=true)

                  所以基本上我需要以 CollectionExpression 之类的格式进行子查询,该格式将获取所有公司编号并将其设置为 in() 表达式.

                  So basically I need to subquery in CollectionExpression like format that will fetch all companies numbers and sets this into in() expression.

                  我的 spring-data 存储库实现了 CustomQueryDslJpaRepository,后者又扩展了 JpaRepositoryQueryDslPredicateExecutor.
                  我希望这个问题的答案是直截了当的,但我对 querydsl 很陌生,到目前为止还没有找到解决方案.

                  My spring-data repositories implements CustomQueryDslJpaRepository which in turn extends JpaRepository and QueryDslPredicateExecutor.
                  I hope the answer to this is straightforward, but I'm quite new to querydsl and didn't find the solutions so far.


                  这里是 jaiwo99 答案的变体,更 JPAesque 形式

                  Here is a variant of jaiwo99's answer in a more JPAesque form

                  BooleanExpression exp = invoice.supplier.number.in(new JPASubQuery()


                  Feel free to merge this into the original answer.

                  这篇关于QueryDsl - 集合表达式中的子查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                  Use cyrillic .properties file in eclipse project(在 Eclipse 项目中使用西里尔文 .properties 文件)
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