I was trying to return an average and count of a set of ratings in one query. I managed it fairly easily in two queries following the example I found browsing. For example:
@Query("SELECT AVG(rating) from UserVideoRating where videoId=:videoId")
public double findAverageByVideoId(@Param("videoId") long videoId);
but as soon as I wanted an average and a count in the same query, the trouble started. After many hours experimenting, I found this worked, so I am sharing it here. I hope it helps.
1) 我需要一个新的类来获得结果:
1) I needed a new class for the results:
The I had to reference that class in the query:
@Query("SELECT new org.magnum.mobilecloud.video.model.AggregateResults(AVG(rating) as rating, COUNT(rating) as TotalRatings) from UserVideoRating where videoId=:videoId")
public AggregateResults findAvgRatingByVideoId(@Param("videoId") long videoId);
One query now returns average rating and count of ratings
public class AggregateResults {
private final double rating;
private final int totalRatings;
public AggregateResults(double rating, long totalRatings) {
this.rating = rating;
this.totalRatings = (int) totalRatings;
public double getRating() {
return rating;
public int getTotalRatings() {
return totalRatings;
@Query("SELECT new org.magnum.mobilecloud.video.model.AggregateResults(
AVG(rating) as rating,
COUNT(rating) as TotalRatings)
FROM UserVideoRating
WHERE videoId=:videoId")
public AggregateResults findAvgRatingByVideoId(@Param("videoId") long videoId);
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