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      1. 在 Java 中,我如何找出我的资源包可用的语言

        In Java how do I find out what languages I have available my Resource Bundle(在 Java 中,我如何找出我的资源包可用的语言)

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                • 本文介绍了在 Java 中,我如何找出我的资源包可用的语言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我的主 jar 中打包了一些资源包

                  I have some resource bundles packaged in my main jar



                  I retrieve a resource bundle based on my default locale as folows

                  ResourceBundle.getBundle("widget", Locale.getDefault());


                  But I want to present the user with a list of available languages supported so that can select a language that may be different to their computers default

                  但我在 ResourceBundle 中找不到列出可用语言环境的方法,我不想硬编码列表,因为添加另一个资源包时我可能会忘记更新它.

                  But I can't find a method in ResourceBundle that would list available locales, I don't want to hardcode a list as I may forget to update it when another resource bundle is added.



                  As I only resource bundles for different language (I dont have country refinements) so I have got generated a list by iterating through all the known language codes and check for each one as a resource.

                  String[]langs = Locale.getISOLanguages();
                  for(String lang:langs)
                        URL rb = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("widget_"+lang+".properties");


                  我不认为有一个 API,因为可以动态创建新的有效语言环境对象:

                  I don't think there is an API for this because new valid locale objects can be created on the fly:

                  Locale locale = new Locale("abcd");

                  无需在某处注册.然后你可以使用资源包widget_abcd.properties 无限制:

                  without the need to register it somewhere. And then you can use a resource bundle widget_abcd.properties without restrictions:

                  ResourceBundle resource= ResourceBundle.getBundle("widget", new Locale("abcd"));

                  来自 java.util.Locale API 文档:

                  From the java.util.Locale API docs:

                  因为 Locale 对象只是一个区域的标识符,所以没有当你构建一个 Locale 时执行有效性检查.如果你想查看特定资源是否可用于您的语言环境构造,你必须查询那些资源.

                  Because a Locale object is just an identifier for a region, no validity check is performed when you construct a Locale. If you want to see whether particular resources are available for the Locale you construct, you must query those resources.


                  To solve the problem you can still iterate over all files called "widget_" in the resource directory and discover the new added resource bundles.

                  请注意,由于上述原因,Locale.getAvailableLocales() 不是 100% 确定:您可能有一天会定义非标准语言环境.但是,如果您只添加几个标准语言环境,则可以使用此静态方法迭代系统语言环境并获取相应的包.

                  Note that Locale.getAvailableLocales() is not 100% sure for the above reason: you might some day define a non standard locale. But if you'll add only a few standard locales you can use this static method to iterate over the system locales and get the corresponding bundles.

                  这篇关于在 Java 中,我如何找出我的资源包可用的语言的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How to send data to COM PORT using JAVA?(如何使用 JAVA 向 COM PORT 发送数据?)
                  How to make a report page direction to change to quot;rtlquot;?(如何使报表页面方向更改为“rtl?)
                  Use cyrillic .properties file in eclipse project(在 Eclipse 项目中使用西里尔文 .properties 文件)
                  Is there any way to detect an RTL language in Java?(有没有办法在 Java 中检测 RTL 语言?)
                  How to load resource bundle messages from DB in Java?(如何在 Java 中从 DB 加载资源包消息?)
                  How do I change the default locale settings in Java to make them consistent?(如何更改 Java 中的默认语言环境设置以使其保持一致?)

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