
Need a Java map/table with multiple keys to one value. Value is commonly altered(需要一个对一个值具有多个键的 Java 映射/表.值通常会改变)
What happens to the lookup in a Hashmap or Hashset when the objects Hashcode changes(当对象 Hashcode 更改时,Hashmap 或 Hashset 中的查找会发生什么)
Different Ways of Creating HashMaps(创建 HashMap 的不同方法)
Find duplicate values in Java Map?(在 Java Map 中查找重复值?)
Multimap Space Issue: Guava(多地图空间问题:番石榴)
Why not compare e.key directly instead of assigning it to a variable?(为什么不直接比较 e.key 而不是将其分配给变量?)
how to merge more than one hashmaps also sum the values of same key in java(如何合并多个hashmaps还对java中相同键的值求和)
Hashmap slower after deserialization - Why?(反序列化后哈希图变慢 - 为什么?)
What is the difference between Segment of ConcurrentHashMap and buckets of HashMap theoretically?(ConcurrentHashMap的Segment和HashMap的bucket在理论上有什么区别?)
How to send a HashMap from Java to C via JNI(如何通过 JNI 将 HashMap 从 Java 发送到 C)