本机 UITextField 安全文本输入强制使用英语(美国)键盘

Native UITextField Secure Text Entry forces English (US) keyboard(本机 UITextField 安全文本输入强制使用英语(美国)键盘)
本文介绍了本机 UITextField 安全文本输入强制使用英语(美国)键盘的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个非常简单的登录页面(登录名 + 密码).

I have a very simple login page (login + password).

我的用户是法国人,所以他们的键盘是法语 (azerty).

My users are french, so their keyboard are French (azerty).

从 iOS 12 开始,当他们单击受保护的密码文本字段时,即使他们的设备上没有安装此键盘,键盘也会切换为英语 (qwerty).此外,如果他们没有安装此键盘,他们将无法切换回他们的键盘.

Since iOS 12, when they click on the password textfield, which is secured, the keyboard switches to English (qwerty), even if they do not have this keyboard installed on their devices. Moreover, if they do not have this keyboard installed, they can't switch back to their keyboard.


I found out that if I deactivate Secure Text Entry, the problem does not show up.

我还尝试以编程方式设置 isSecureTextEntry,但出现了错误.

I also tried to set isSecureTextEntry programmatically, and the bug shows up.


I am adding two screenshots, one for each text field.


Thank you a lot for your time & help.


这确实是一个 iOS 错误 => 在 iOS 12.1 中更正

This was truly an iOS bug => corrected in iOS 12.1

这篇关于本机 UITextField 安全文本输入强制使用英语(美国)键盘的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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