
PhoneGap: Is there a way to stop the keyboard from resizing the view?(PhoneGap:有没有办法阻止键盘调整视图大小?)


我目前正在将 PhoneGap 用于我正在开发的移动应用程序.在我的登录屏幕中,当我选择一个文本字段时,当键盘向上滑动时,视图会水平缩小.这只发生在 Android 而不是 iOS.

I'm currently using PhoneGap for a mobile app I'm developing. In my Login screen, when I select a text field, the view shrinks horizontally when then keyboard slides up. This only happens on the Android and not iOS.

这让我很担心,因为我有一个底部工具栏 position:absolute;bottom:0; 当键盘出现时,这个工具栏会在 Android 中向上推.在 iOS 中,键盘只是简单地覆盖它.

This concerns me because I have a bottom toolbar that is position:absolute; bottom:0; and this toolbar is pushed up in Android when the keyboard shows up. In iOS, the keyboard just simply overlays it.


AndroidManifest.xml 在你的主要活动上添加以下内容:

In AndroidManifest.xml on your main activity add the following:



index.html 中添加创伤指出的内容:

In index.html add what traumalles pointed out:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, target-densityDpi=device-dpi" />




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