
Showing keyboard at the right time iOS7(在正确的时间显示键盘iOS7)


在 iOS 6 中,我习惯于在 viewDidLoad 中显示键盘.

In iOS 6 I'm used to present keyboard in viewDidLoad.

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [txtField becomeFirstResponder];


This way, when navigationController pushes the new viewController, keyboard is already there, animating smoothly from left to right and avoiding bottom-up animation.

在 iOS 7 中,这种行为似乎被破坏了.

In iOS 7 this behavior seems broken.

如果我在 viewDidLoad 中添加 [txtField becomeFirstResponder],键盘出现在推送动画的中间,已经在它的最终位置:一个不愉快的效果!!

If I add [txtField becomeFirstResponder] in viewDidLoad, keyboard appears in the middle of pushing animation, already in its final position: an unpleasant effect!!

我尝试在viewWillAppear中移动[txtField becomeFirstResponder],但最终结果没有改变.

I've tried to move [txtField becomeFirstResponder] in viewWillAppear, but the final result is unchanged.

你知道一种方法来恢复 iOS 6 的行为,将新的 viewController 和键盘一起推送吗?

Do you know a way to get back iOS 6 behavior, pushing the new viewController and the keyboard all together?


Using a timer doesn't work either... whatever time delay I set, the keyboard is shown only at the end of pushing animation.

到目前为止,我最好的尝试是将 [txtField becomeFirstResponder] 放在 viewWillLayoutSubviewsviewDidLayoutSubviews 中.不幸的是,在推送 viewController 时这样做有效,但在弹回时无效(键盘没有出现).

So far, my best try it is to put [txtField becomeFirstResponder] in viewWillLayoutSubviews or viewDidLayoutSubviews. Unfortunately, doing so working when pushing viewController but not when popping back (the keyboard doesn't appear).


我已经设法在 viewWillLayoutSubviews 中推断出您的解决方法以强制它工作.

I've managed to extrapolate your workaround in viewWillLayoutSubviews to force it to work.

- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {

    if (![self.textField1 isFirstResponder] && ![self.textField2 isFirstResponder] && ...) {
        [self.textField1 becomeFirstResponder];


This is working for me for both pushing onto the stack, and after dismissing a modal view controller.




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