Cordova 3.4 - 检测键盘事件

Cordova 3.4 - Detect keyboard event(Cordova 3.4 - 检测键盘事件)
本文介绍了Cordova 3.4 - 检测键盘事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


由于 Cordova 3.4.0 和 JQuery Mobile 1.4.2,我正在尝试在我的应用程序中检测 showkeyboardhidekeyboard 事件.在配置文件中,全屏属性设置为true(我需要).

I'm trying to detect the showkeyboard and hidekeyboard events in my application running thanks to Cordova 3.4.0 and JQuery Mobile 1.4.2. In the configuration file, the fullscreen attribute is set to true (I need it).

事实是,在 LogCat 中,我无法阅读(显然是由于全屏模式):

The fact is, in LogCat, I can't read (apprently it's due to the fullscreen mode) :

SoftKeyboardDetect : 忽略此事件

SoftKeyboardDetect : Ignore this event


Is there any solution to detect these two events? I tried an alternative way by detecting blur and focus events on my input field. It works, but when the keyboard is closed by the back button, those events are not called.


So, I tried to detect the backbutton event, but it doesn't work (


我认为这将满足您的需求 -

I think this will work for your needs -

document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);

function onDeviceReady () {
    document.addEventListener('hidekeyboard', onKeyboardHide, false);
    document.addEventListener('showkeyboard', onKeyboardShow, false);

function onKeyboardHide() {

function onKeyboardShow() {



Since you cannot hook into those events you need a plugin. This one here will do the trick.

要安装插件执行 cordova 插件添加 com.ionic.keyboard

// This event fires when the keyboard will be shown

window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', keyboardShowHandler);

function keyboardShowHandler(e){
    console.log('Keyboard height is: ' + e.keyboardHeight);

// This event fires when the keyboard will hide

window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardHideHandler);

function keyboardHideHandler(e){
    console.log('Goodnight, sweet prince');

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