CoreData 上的 UserInfo 字典

UserInfo Dictionaries on CoreData(CoreData 上的 UserInfo 字典)
本文介绍了CoreData 上的 UserInfo 字典的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


Apple 核心数据文档的这一部分是什么意思?

What does this part of Apple core data documentation means?



Many of the elements in a managed object model—entities, attributes, and relationships—have an associated user info dictionary. You can put whatever information you want into a user info dictionary, as key-value pairs. Common information to put into the user info dictionary includes version details for an entity, and values used by the predicate for a fetched property.

我了解默认情况下实体具有该字典,但我无法在 coredata 实体或属性上找到 userInfo.

I understand that by default entities have that dictionary, but I'm not able to find find userInfo on coredata entities or attributes.


NSManagedObject 获取 NSEntityDescription(通过 entity 属性)或从您的 NSManagedObjectModel 并通过 attributesByName 获取 NSAttributeDescription.这为您提供了一个字典,您可以在其中按名称获取正确的描述,其中 userInfo 作为属性也是如此.

Get the NSEntityDescription from your NSManagedObject (through the entity property) or from your NSManagedObjectModel and get the NSAttributeDescription through attributesByName. This gives you a dictionary where you get the proper Description by name which has the userInfo as a property as well.

NSManagedObject *managedObject;
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = managedObject.entity;
NSAttributeDescription *attributeDescription = entityDescription.attributesByName[@"someAttribute"];
NSString *foo = attributeDescription.userInfo[@"foo"];

这篇关于CoreData 上的 UserInfo 字典的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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