在 Ionic 2/Cordova 中设置 Android 版本代码

Setting Android version code in Ionic 2 / Cordova(在 Ionic 2/Cordova 中设置 Android 版本代码)
本文介绍了在 Ionic 2/Cordova 中设置 Android 版本代码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我完全陷入了一个疯狂的问题.我无法在 Google Play 商店中发布我的应用更新,因为当前版本代码是 101002.

I'm completely stuck with a crazy issue. I'm not able to publish an update of my app in Google Play store because current version code is 101002.

现在,我不明白该代码是如何生成的.在我的 config.xml 中,我尝试使用以下版本:

Now, I don't understand how that code was generated. In my config.xml I tried using the following versions:



but every time it generates a version code like:



that is always lower than the current version code: 101002


I also tried to build using the following command:

ionic cordova build android --prod --release -- -- --versionCode=103020


我无法手动设置 Manifest 文件的版本代码,因为它是由 ionic 2 构建过程生成的.有什么想法吗?

I can't manually set the version code of the Manifest file because it's generated by ionic 2 build process. Any idea?


您可以在 config.xml 中指定自定义版本代码.将以下属性添加到 <widget> 元素(根元素):android-versionCode="101003".

You can specify a custom version-code in config.xml. Add the following property to the <widget> element (the root element): android-versionCode="101003".

这是一个完整的 <widget> 标签示例,其中包含更多可能有用的属性:

This is an example of a full <widget> tag with more properties that are probably useful:

<widget android-versionCode="100" id="your.bundle.id" ios-CFBundleVersion="1.0.0" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0">

  • version 是应用商店中显示的版本,可以在不同的构建版本中保持相同
  • android-versionCode 这是 Google-Play 用来区分您的构建的,必须始终高于前一个
  • CFBundleVersion 由 iTunesConnect 用于区分您的构建,必须始终高于前一个
  • id 是您定义应用程序包标识符的位置,它必须始终保持不变
    • version is the version displayed in the app stores, can stay the same across different builds
    • android-versionCode this is used by Google-Play to differentiate between your builds, must always be higher than the previous one
    • CFBundleVersion is used by iTunesConnect to differentiate your builds, must always be higher than the previous one
    • id is where you define the bundle identifier of your app, this must always stay the same
    • 这篇关于在 Ionic 2/Cordova 中设置 Android 版本代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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