How can I set different signing configs for different variants?
例如,我们目前有 Debug/Beta/Release 两种构建类型,免费和付费,产生 6 个变体.为了让它更容易一点,让我们忘记 Debug 变体,只关注 freeBeta/paidBeta/freeRelease/paidRelease.
For instance, we currently have the buildtypes Debug/Beta/Release with 2 flavors, free and paid, resulting in 6 variants. To make it a bit easier, let's forget the Debug variants and only focus on freeBeta/paidBeta/freeRelease/paidRelease.
What I'd like, is for each variant to use a separate different signingConfig.
到目前为止,我能找到的唯一解决方案是将signingConfigs 放在buildTypes 中,这样所有Beta 变体都将具有相同的signingConfigs:
So far the only solutions I could find is either putting the signingConfigs in the buildTypes so all Beta variants would have the same signingConfigs:
buildTypes {
beta {
release {
Alternatively, using the flavors, in which case all free variants would have the same signingConfigs:
productFlavors {
free {
signingConfig signingConfigs.free
applicationId 'com.example.free'
paid {
signingConfig signingConfigs.paid
applicationId 'com.example.paid'
在当前的 productFlavor 闭包中有没有办法做到这一点?这只能通过覆盖 android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
并根据某种命名方案或其他一些丑陋的 hack 为每个应用程序变体手动应用signingConfig 来解决吗?
Is there a way to do this in the current productFlavor closure? Can this only be fixed by overridding the android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
and manually applying a signingConfig for each application variant based on some naming scheme or some other ugly hack?
I also found this answer, but it doesn't appear to work in the latest build tools; when compiling I get the following error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
其中:构建文件 '/home/dev/projects/app/build.gradle' 行:61
Where: Build file '/home/dev/projects/app/build.gradle' line: 61
出了什么问题:评估项目 ':app' 时出现问题.
What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
在 ProductFlavor 容器上找不到免费"属性.
Could not find property 'free' on ProductFlavor container.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/32810290/3961802 答案不起作用.
beta {
productFlavors.free.signingConfig signingConfigs.freeBeta
productFlavors.paid.signingConfig signingConfigs.paidBeta
release {
productFlavors.free.signingConfig signingConfigs.freeRelease
productFlavors.paid.signingConfig signingConfigs.paidRelease
在这种情况下,发布版本类型将覆盖所有风格.所以 freeBeta
的签名配置将是 freeRelease
In this case, the release build type will overwrite all flavors. So signing config for the freeBeta
will be freeRelease
At the moment, the only solution that I know is to sign all the build variants in a separate task.
signingConfigs {
bananaDebug {}
bananaBeta {}
bananaRelease {}
orangeDebug {}
orangeBeta {}
orangeRelease {}
lemonDebug {}
lemonBeta {}
lemonRelease {}
productFlavors {
banana {}
orange {}
lemon {}
buildTypes {
debug {}
beta {}
release {}
applicationVariants.all {
def flavorName = it.getFlavorName()
def buildTypeName = it.buildType.name
def buildVariantName = flavorName + buildTypeName.capitalize()
def currentSigningConfig = signingConfigs.getByName(buildVariantName)
it.mergedFlavor.signingConfig = currentSigningConfig
// If you want to sign debug build
buildTypes.debug.signingConfig currentSigningConfig