注意:这似乎是 Android 插件的问题.查看相关问题的评论.
Note: This seems to be an issue with the Android plugin. See comments for associated issues.
我在构建项目时收到以下 gradle 错误:
I get the following gradle error when building the project:
Gradle sync failed: Cause: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(WindowsPathParser.java:98)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(WindowsPathParser.java:77)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(WindowsPath.java:94)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(WindowsFileSystem.java:255)
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(Paths.java:84)
at com.android.build.gradle.internal.scope.BuildOutput.getOutputPath(BuildOutput.java:222)
at com.android.build.gradle.internal.scope.BuildOutputs.lambda$load$2(BuildOutputs.java:243)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:193)
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1376)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:481)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:471)
at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:708)
我还要注意,我必须手动设置 jdk 位置,因为如果我使用捆绑的 gradle 守护程序将不会启动,抱怨不在预期的上下文中(它期待捆绑的上下文,而不是获取外部上下文).
I will note additionally that I had to set the jdk location manually because if I used the bundled one the gradle daemon would not start, complaining of not being in the expected context (it was expecting the bundled context, instead getting the external context).
此配置在 Canary 9 中有效(使用捆绑的 jdk).
This configuration worked (with the bundled jdk) in canary 9.
As per this blog post you need to open a terminal and launch the following commands sequentially:
现在解决方法更简单了,您只需要转到 Build ->清理项目,然后同步.
Now the workaround it's easier, you just need to go to Build -> Clean Project and then sync.
gradlew clean
gradlew assemble
./gradlew clean
./gradlew assemble
这篇关于Gradle 升级到 Android Studio 3.0 Beta 1 时出错的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!