Buildozer 未知命令/目标 android_old

Buildozer Unknown command/target android_old(Buildozer 未知命令/目标 android_old)
本文介绍了Buildozer 未知命令/目标 android_old的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我仍然在 python 和 kivy 中非常菜鸟.

im very noob still in python and kivy.

无论如何,我正在制作一个简单的 Android 应用程序,它只显示一个标签.现在我正在尝试通过 buildozer 将该 python 文件打包到 apk.
buildozer init 工作,但随后 buildozer -v android debug 没有并给出错误 Unknown command/target android_old.

Anyways, I'm making a simple android app, which just showing a single label. Now I'm trying to package that python file to an apk via buildozer.
The buildozer init works, but then the buildozer -v android debug doesnt and give an error Unknown command/target android_old.


Anyone can help me resolve this? Thanks


我知道现在回答这个问题为时已晚,但我也遇到了同样的问题,因为我也是这个领域的新手.buildozer好像不兼容windows,可以用Google Colab代替.

I know it is too late to answer this question but I had the same problem since I am new to this field too. It seems that buildozer is not compatible with windows, instead you can use Google Colab.

Google Colab 提供 CPU 来运行您的 python 代码,它是基于 Ubuntu 的.

Google Colab provides CPU to run your python code and it is Ubuntu based.

请参考以下链接在 Google Colab 上运行您的代码

Refer the following link to run your code on Google Colab

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