
How to keep kivy service running in background in Android (service still run when switch to other App or lock the screen)?(如何在Android中保持kivy服务在后台运行(切换到其他应用程序或锁定屏幕时服务仍然运行)?)


Change the style of AlertDialog(更改 AlertDialog 的样式)
Pop up dialog in Android home screen(在 Android 主屏幕中弹出对话框)
How to display an existing ListFragment in a DialogFragment(如何在 DialogFragment 中显示现有的 ListFragment)
When to use Android PopupWindow vs Dialog(何时使用 Android PopupWindow vs Dialog)
Android: Close dialog window on touch(Android:触摸时关闭对话框窗口)
Android - Executing a custom listview in a custom dialog properly(Android - 在自定义对话框中正确执行自定义列表视图)