更新:这是一个 Google Play 服务问题,内部报告这里将从版本 13.4.0 开始修复
Update: it is a Google Play Service issue, reported internally here and it will be fixed from version 13.4.0
我们使用 cordova 地理定位插件 和方法 navigator.geolocation.watchPosition()
带有选项 enableHighAccuracy: true
We use the cordova gelocation plugin and the method navigator.geolocation.watchPosition()
with the option enableHighAccuracy: true
to track the user location and get the most accurate results.
我们的应用程序已经存在 1 年多了,过去我们可以毫无问题地使用任何设备来获得非常好的定位精度,户外时 4/6 米,天空晴朗.
Our app has been around for more than 1 year and we used to have no problems with any device getting a very good location accuracy, 4/6 meters when outside and the sky is clear.
最近,我们的许多用户报告说,无论他们做什么,都无法获得低于 10m 的精度.
Lately, many of our users are reporting not being able to get anything less than 10m accuracy no matter what they do.
We decided to test it ourselves and we found to have the same issue. Initially, we thought we introduced some bug in our latest release, we triple checked everything but we made no changes to code/dependencies involving geolocation.
我们还测试了我们应用的旧版本,我们确信可以达到 4m 的精度,但令人惊讶的是它们也不起作用,精度上限为 10m.
We tested older versions of our app as well, where we are sure it was possible to get like 4m accuracy, but surprisingly they do not work either, accuracy is capped at 10m.
我们尝试了不同版本的 Android,我们可以在从 5(棒棒糖)到 8(奥利奥)的任何平台上重现该问题.我们在 iOS 10/11 上也有同样的问题.同样,我们已经有几个月没有更新该应用了.
We tried different version of Android and we can reproduce the issue on any platform from 5 (Lollipop) to 8 (Oreo). We also have the same problem on iOS 10/11. Again, we have not updated the app in months.
最近有一个关于同一问题的问题 这里:
There is a recent question about the same issue here:
其他人在使用 Android 本机代码时遇到同样的问题 这里
Someone else is having the same problem using Android native code here
Does anyone know what is going on? Is it a permission issue? Location Services are set to High Accuracy as well.
为了完整起见,我们可以使用这个 插件
For the sake of completeness, we are able to get 3/4 meters accuracy using the old version (2.x) of this plugin
We would rather not introduce an extra dependency for something that was working so well out of the box.
它可能会担心,这是一个 Google Play 服务问题,内部报告 here 将从版本 13.4.0 开始修复
To whom it might concern, it is a Google Play Services issue, reported internally here and it will be fixed from version 13.4.0
更新:更新至 Play Services 14.3.66 后解决,精度再次降至 4m!
Update: solved after updating to Play Services 14.3.66, accuracy down to 4m again!
这篇关于科尔多瓦地理定位精度上限为 10 米的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!