android 仪器测试的输出在哪里?

Where is the output from an android instrumented test?(android 仪器测试的输出在哪里?)
本文介绍了android 仪器测试的输出在哪里?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我设法让 gradle cC 工作.我的测试只是打印出来并记录一行文本.

I managed to get gradle cC to work. My test just prints out and logs one line of text.

grep -r text * fails.

system.outlogging 输出在哪里?


edit:我找到了 unit 测试的输出(它在 .../app/build/test-results/中).但仍然没有运气.

edit: i found the output for the unit tests (it's in .../app/build/test-results/). but still no luck with the other.


is there a way to save the output from the instrumented tests somehow?


运行gradlew connectedCheck会在build目录生成测试结果,见

Running gradlew connectedCheck will generate test results in the build directory, see


这些仪器测试还将其输出以及任何 Log.d 语句记录在 LogCat 中.在您的测试用例中使用 System.out.print 将产生如下输出:

These instrumentation tests will also log their output in LogCat, along with any Log.d statements. Using System.out.print in your test cases will result in an output like this:

01-27 18:05:30.445 32664-32677/your.packagename I/System.out:测试输出

01-27 18:05:30.445 32664-32677/your.packagename I/System.out﹕ Test output

如果您还需要持久化输出,您可以编写一个运行 adb logcat 并从设备中提取日志的 gradle 任务.

If you need to also persist the output you could probably write a gradle task running adb logcat and pulling the logs from the device.

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