Android 模拟器无法启动

Android emulator won#39;t boot up(Android 模拟器无法启动)
本文介绍了Android 模拟器无法启动的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试安装 android sdk 并在我的 PC(Win7 64 位)上运行我的第一个应用程序.我从一开始就按照 网页并应用了他们使用的解决方案.它就像一个魅力.


  1. 从英特尔网站下载您的显卡驱动程序
  2. 在某处解压,位置无关紧要
  3. 进入设备管理器,(在 Windows 搜索栏中输入设备管理器)
  4. 点击显示适配器和英特尔核芯显卡.
  5. 转到标有驱动程序"的标签
  6. 点击更新驱动程序"和浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序"
  7. 点击让我从驱动程序列表中选择"
  8. 单击从磁盘安装"按钮,
  9. 导航到您提取的驱动程序所在的位置并进入标有图形"的目录
  10. 选择名为igdlh64.INF"的文件
  11. 单击确定按钮,然后单击下一步,应安装驱动程序
  12. 之后您需要重新启动,并且在重新启动后您的驱动程序应该被更新

I'm trying to install android sdk and run my first application on my PC (Win7 64 bit). I followed instructions on from the beginning to When I try to start emulator (as mentioned on the last url) simply nothing shows up.

5 - Select the new AVD from the Android Virtual Device Manager and click Start.

It doesn't show any error messages. After launching AVD a process named adb.exe appears on task manager.

Below is eclipse console output when try to run my blank app from eclipse. On configurations, I set different target devices and selected starting activity manually. The same problem continues.

When AVD is started from outside of eclipse(sdkplatform-tools>android avd):

[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] ------------------------------
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] Android Launch!
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] adb is running normally.
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] Performing activity launch
[2013-03-22 08:50:49 - 1st] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'AvdTest'
[2013-03-22 08:50:49 - 1st] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AvdTest'

When AVD is started from eclipse:

[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] ------------------------------
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Android Launch!
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] adb is running normally.
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Performing activity launch
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'AvdTest' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AvdTest'

I also downloaded only sdk and installed eclipse plugin but result is the same.

Tried to use logcat also. Started it then started AVD, but logcat shows nothing. When I kill adb.exe from task manager,it kills logcat too.

sdkplatform-tools>adb -e logcat
- waiting for device -


After reinstalling IDE/SDK a couple of times I decided to ask it here. What else I can do?

Edit : Folks, I have a virtual device. Please stop suggesting adding a virtual device.


I found it. In event viewer(Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsAdministrative ToolsEvent Viewer) clicked on Windows Log>Application on left menu and read error logs.

I googled dll file mentioned in log (aticfx32.dll) and found the dll file belongs to ATI graphic cards. My PC has an Intel graphic card. While searching for solution I also found this web page and applied solution they used. It works like a charm.


  1. Download your graphics card driver from intel's website
  2. Extract the zip somewhere, Location does not matter
  3. Go into Device Manager, (type Device Manager in the windows search bar)
  4. Click Display Adapters and Intel HD Graphics.
  5. Go to the tab labeled "Drivers"
  6. Click "Update Drivers" and "Browse my computer for drivers"
  7. Click "Let me pick from a list of drivers"
  8. Click the Have Disk Button,
  9. Navigate to where your extracted drivers are and go into the directory labeled "Graphics"
  10. Select the file named "igdlh64.INF"
  11. Click on the OK button and then click Next, the drivers should install
  12. After that you need to reboot, and after rebooting your drivers should be updated

这篇关于Android 模拟器无法启动的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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