ADB root 无法在模拟器上运行(无法在生产版本中以 root 身份运行)

ADB root is not working on emulator (cannot run as root in production builds)(ADB root 无法在模拟器上运行(无法在生产版本中以 root 身份运行))


How To Create a Rotating Wheel Control?(如何创建转轮控件?)
How to avoid restarting activity when orientation changes on Android(如何在 Android 上的方向更改时避免重新启动活动)
Screen orientation lock(屏幕方向锁定)
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor(android方向传感器的奇怪行为)
Android: Rotate image in imageview by an angle(Android:将imageview中的图像旋转一个角度)
Activity restart on rotation Android(旋转Android上的活动重启)