Android 模拟器不在视野范围内,我该如何移动它?

The Android emulator is out of view, how can I move it?(Android 模拟器不在视野范围内,我该如何移动它?)
本文介绍了Android 模拟器不在视野范围内,我该如何移动它?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我在笔记本电脑上使用了一个额外的显示器,并将 Android 模拟器移到了那里.即使不再连接显示器,它似乎也能记住位置.

I used an additional display with my laptop and moved the Android emulator there. It seems to remember the location even if the display is not connected anymore.


Is there any way to reset the position of the window so it becomes visible again?



more exactly from your home directory

(在 Linux 上:$HOME/ 在 Windows 上:C:Users<您的用户>)进入

(on Linux: $HOME/ on Windows: C:Users<your user> ) go into

.android/avd/<image name>

打开文件 emulator-user.ini 并设置window.x 和 window.y 为 0.

open the file emulator-user.ini and set window.x and window.y to 0.

window.x = 0
window.y = 0

如果您在 Linux 上看不到隐藏目录 .android,请按 Ctrl+H 并从 Windows 中选择 View>Options>View (Tab) 并选择 显示隐藏文件"

If you don't see the hidden dir .android on Linux press Ctrl+H and from Windows select View>Options>View (Tab) and select "Show hidden files"

如果文件 emulator-user.ini 不存在,请关闭模拟器窗口,然后再次检查 avd 目录.这是因为 emulator-user.ini 是在模拟器第一次运行后生成的.

If the file emulator-user.ini doesn't exist, close the emulator window, then check the avd directory again. This is because emulator-user.ini is generated after the first run of the emulator.

这篇关于Android 模拟器不在视野范围内,我该如何移动它?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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