
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator(iPhone模拟器和Android模拟器之间的区别)


iPhone模拟器和Android模拟器有什么区别?我听说有人说 Emulator 真正模拟了目标设备,但在模拟器的情况下并非如此.

What is the difference between iPhone Simulator and Android emulator? I have heard people saying that Emulator really emulates the target device which is not true in case of simulator.

我认为 Android 模拟器会模仿目标设备的处理速度、内存使用情况,但模拟器不会模拟设备.

I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device, the memory usage, but a simulator does not emulate the device.


免责声明:我只是 iPhone 开发者,不是 Android 开发者.

Disclaimer: I'm only an iPhone developer, not an Android developer.


You are correct, the difference between emulators and simulators is that emulators mimic the software and hardware environments found on actual devices. Simulators, on the other hand, only mimic the software environment; they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources such as disk space, memory and processor speed.

Apple 一直强调设备测试的重要性,因为 iPhone Simulator 不模拟 iPhone 处理器、磁盘驱动器、内存限制等等.除非您的 Mac 正在努力管理资源本身,否则您几乎不会收到内存警告,除非您从模拟器的菜单项中(再次)模拟内存警告.

Apple always harps on the importance of device testing because iPhone Simulator does not emulate an iPhone processor, disk drive, memory constraints and whatnot. You hardly ever get memory warnings unless your Mac is struggling to manage resources itself, unless you simulate (again) memory warnings from the Simulator's menu item.


In fact, if you go to Settings > General > About, you'll see that the Simulator's disk capacity is the same as the filesystem of the Mac it's installed on:




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