Android 模拟器屏幕仅占实际 android 模拟器屏幕的一小部分

Android emulator screen fills up only some fraction part of actual android emulator screen(Android 模拟器屏幕仅占实际 android 模拟器屏幕的一小部分)
本文介绍了Android 模拟器屏幕仅占实际 android 模拟器屏幕的一小部分的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



使用 Android Studio 2.3.3



My emulator screen is covering the only partial amount of screen available for emulator, i.e top left of the emulator and rest part is just a black screen.



1) 重启模拟器

2) 尝试不同的模拟器

2) trying different emulator

3) 改变像素,模拟器设备的密度,

3) changing pixels, density of emulator device,

4) 运行 -> 编辑配置..blah blah blah...

4) run -> edit configuration ..blah blah blah...




My issue is not emulator's size but effective screen size.


please help if somebody could have come across this issue :(

重要 我猜,这个问题与我使用的笔记本电脑、戴尔 Latitude、触摸屏(14 英寸 QHD 触摸屏)有关显示(2,560×1,440 分辨率).因为相同的模拟器在其他显示笔记本电脑上也能正常工作.

IMPORTANT I guess, this issue has something to do with the laptop I am using, DELL Latitude, touch screen (14-inch QHD touch display (2,560×1,440 resolution). Because the same emulator works properly in other display laptops.


我也遇到了同样的问题.我认为它是在我更新到 Android Studio 3.0 Beta 1 时开始发生的,但我不能 100% 确定这一点.

I was having the same problem too. I think it started happening when I updated to Android Studio 3.0 Beta 1, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

修复:无论如何,要解决这个问题,您可以在模拟器选项中使用 Software Graphics,而不是 Hardware.速度较慢,但至少可以工作.

FIX: Anyway, to fix this, you can use Software Graphics in the emulator options, rather than Hardware. Slower, but at least it works.

这篇关于Android 模拟器屏幕仅占实际 android 模拟器屏幕的一小部分的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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