
Android emulator camera custom image(Android模拟器相机自定义图片)



Does anybody know is it possible to open some personal picture when emulator camera starts?

我有一个基于图像分析的应用程序,我希望当我单击相机的按钮时,相机会打开而不是默认的 Android 模拟器移动图像.我希望它打开一些我设置为默认图像的图像.因此,当我选择拍照时,它只会显示该图像,而当我拍照时,该图像将保存到图库,而不是 Android 默认图像.

I have an application which is based on image analysis and I would like when I click a button for camera that camera opens not that default Android emulator moving image. I want it to open some image which I set as a default image. So when I choose to take a picture it will show only that image and when I take a take a picture, that image will be saved to gallery, not Android default image.


从以下网址下载源码.这是模拟器中的另一个画廊.在传递从相机捕获图像的意图时,选择此图库.这看起来像三星移动 3d 画廊.. 这将返回默认图像.. 在模拟器中.还有一件事,它只在 3.0 版本之后才能正常工作.

Download the source from following url . This is work as the another Gallery in the emulator. While passing intent to capture image from camera choose this gallery. this is looks like samsung mobile 3d gallery.. this will return the default images.. in emulators . one more thing it will work fine after 3.0 versions only.




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