如何在 Android 中将我的活动显示为对话框?

How can I show my activity as a dialog in Android?(如何在 Android 中将我的活动显示为对话框?)
本文介绍了如何在 Android 中将我的活动显示为对话框?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发我的第一个 Android 应用程序,并且正在尝试为我的活动设置样式.最终,我希望我的活动看起来像一个对话.我在 AndroidManifest.xml 中使用以下代码为我的所有活动提供了 Theme.Dialog 样式:

.GalDude33 帮助我弄清楚如何实现我想要的.他的答案就是这个问题的答案.

I am working on my first Android application, and am trying to style my activity. Ultimately, I would like for my activity to look the same as a dialog. I have given all my activities the Theme.Dialog style using the following code in my AndroidManifest.xml:


This gives my activities the "floating" appearance and the borders of a dialog, but not the styled title. The title just has the same color and appearance as the general dialog background, not the "header" background and border as in a "real" dialog. Notice how in both examples the header has a nice border under it and in the second one, it has a gradient background.

Is there a way to make sure the title on my activity somehow inherits the system dialog title so as to effectively replicate the look of a dialog for my activity - in addition to the border and "float" which comes with the Theme.Dialog style?

Note that I do not want to call my activity as a dialog from another, I just want it to LOOK like a dilaog, even when it is loaded in response to an intent as per my manifest's intent-filters.

ADD: Is there perhaps some way I can have my activity, when it spins up in onCreate(), call some method to turn itself into an actual dialog? Keep in mind the activity still needs to be able to respond to intents from the system.


After deciding to look at what I wanted to do, instead of how to do it specifically, I found a different approach. I reasked my question looking for approach ideas instead of implementation ideas here. GalDude33 helped me figure out how to achieve what I wanted. His answer there was the answer to this Q.

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