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        如何在 Swift 中为多个按钮使用一个 IBAction?

        How to use one IBAction for multiple buttons in Swift?(如何在 Swift 中为多个按钮使用一个 IBAction?)
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                • 本文介绍了如何在 Swift 中为多个按钮使用一个 IBAction?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有多个按钮,每个按钮都可以切换应用程序的语言.不必为每个按钮创建多个 IBAction,有没有办法将它们全部连接到一个 IBAction 并根据按下的按钮更改语言?我认为在这种情况下使用 switch 语句会很好,但不确定如何设置它.

                  I have multiple buttons each one with the ability to switch the language of the app. Instead of having to create multiple IBActions for each button is there a way to have them all connected to one IBAction and change the language based on the button pressed? I'm thinking a switch statement would be good to use in this situation but not exactly sure how to set it up.


                  在 Interface Builder 中,选择 Attributes Inspector 并为每个按钮设置一个唯一编号的 Tag,然后你可以这样做:

                  In Interface Builder, select the Attributes Inspector and set the Tag for each button with a unique number, then you can do something like this:

                  @IBAction changeLanguage(sender: AnyObject) {
                      guard let button = sender as? UIButton else {
                      switch button.tag {
                      case 1:
                          // Change to English
                      case 2:
                          // Change to Spanish
                      case 3:
                          // Change to French, etc
                          print("Unknown language")

                  要将动作连接到多个按钮:在 Interface Builder 中,右键单击视图层次结构中的 ViewController,然后单击左键将动作连接拖动到每个按钮.

                  To connect the action to multiple buttons: in Interface Builder, right-click ViewController in the view hierarchy, then left-click to drag the action connection to each button.

                  这篇关于如何在 Swift 中为多个按钮使用一个 IBAction?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  UIButton title text color(UIButton 标题文本颜色)
                  Stretch background image for UIButton(为 UIButton 拉伸背景图像)
                  Using Tint color on UIImageView(在 UIImageView 上使用 Tint 颜色)
                  How can I change UIButton title color?(如何更改 UIButton 标题颜色?)
                  Minimum sensible button size on iPhone(iPhone 上的最小合理按钮大小)
                  iPhone UIButton - image position(iPhone UIButton - 图像位置)

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