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      NSNotificationCenter 与委托 - 哪个更快?

      NSNotificationCenter vs delegation - which is faster?(NSNotificationCenter 与委托 - 哪个更快?)
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              1. 本文介绍了NSNotificationCenter 与委托 - 哪个更快?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I have read a lot about the pros and cons of each , and i know delegates are usually for one listener, and notifications are for many. The question is about performance.

                我已阅读:NSNotificationCenter 与委派(使用协议)?


                I am sending audio signals from mic, to another class by notification . i know that here i should use the delegate BUT my question is : does delegates will be faster ? because i can see i have some frame rate issue(decreased), and i would like to know if the cause could be the using of notification instead of delegate, or there is no relation ?



                Delegates come with less overhead and will therefore be executed much faster.

                但是,一般来说,您应该只在可能成为问题的地方查看性能主题.对于像发送通知和调用委托这样的一次性任务,这永远不会成为问题.但是,当您计划在循环中使用变量(取决于数据)执行这些操作时,或者对于您已获取或接收数据的许多数据对象,无法预测会有多少 - 这些情况是我会考虑性能优化.

                However, in general you should look on performance topics only there where they are likely to be an issue at all. For once-off tasks like sending a notification vs calling a delegate this should never be an issue. But when you plan to perform these in a loop with a variable (depending on data) number of intarations or for a number of data objects where you have fetched or received the data an cannot predict how many there will be - those are the situations where I would consider performance optimization.

                这篇关于NSNotificationCenter 与委托 - 哪个更快?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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