我从 Firebase 控制台和 Google 云控制台中删除了我的项目.删除项目后,当我尝试在我的 Android 应用中连接 Firebase 时,出现此错误
I deleted my project from Firebase console and from Google cloud console. After deleting the projects, when I am trying to connect Firebase in my Android app, I am getting this error
No clients were able to be added to your Firebase project for the following reasons:
An app with this package name and SHA1 is already connected to a Google project. If you have used a Google API previously, please select that project in the Connect to an existing project list.
Client Package Name: com.myproject.firebaseandroid
Any help is appreciated. Please help me.
TL;DR: 一个项目可能需要长达 30 天才能完全删除,只有在完全删除后,您才能重新使用 SHA-1.
TL;DR: It could take up to 30 days for a project to be completely deleted and only after complete deletion will you be able to re-use the SHA-1.
解决方法:如果您的项目仍处于等待期,您可以恢复该项目,删除 SHA-1 关联,然后再次删除该项目.
Workaround: If you're project is still in waiting period, you could recover the project, delete the SHA-1 association, then proceed with deleting the project again.
删除项目时,会先进入7天的等待期,然后才能实际删除.参考此 Google 帮助文档(强调我的):
When deleting a project, it would first go into the 7-day waiting period before the actual deletion. Referring to this Google Help Doc (emphasis mine):
关闭项目会停止所有计费和流量服务,关闭所有 Google Cloud Platform App Engine 应用程序,并终止所有 Compute Engine 实例.与 Google Cloud 和 Google API 服务相关的所有项目数据都变得无法访问.
Shutting down a project stops all billing and traffic serving, shuts down any Google Cloud Platform App Engine applications, and terminates all Compute Engine instances. All project data associated with Google Cloud and Google APIs services becomes inaccessible.
在 30 天的等待期后,项目和相关数据将从控制台中永久删除.
请注意,在 30 天的等待期结束后,完全删除项目所需的时间可能会有所不同.例如,如果项目设置了结算,则可能不会完全删除在当前计费周期结束之前,您会收到下一个帐单,并且您的帐户已成功收费.此外,正在使用的服务的数量和类型也可能会影响系统何时永久删除项目.
Note that after the 30-day waiting period ends, the time it takes to completely delete a project may vary. For example, if a project has billing set up, it might not be completely deleted until the current billing cycle ends, you receive the next bill, and your account is successfully charged. Additionally, the number and types of services in use may also affect when the system permanently deletes a project.
如果您在这篇文章中也看到@Kato 的评论:
And if you also see @Kato's comment in this post:
完全清除应用最多需要 30 天.
It takes up to 30 days to completely purge an app.
- Android Studio 助手:无法将任何客户端添加到您的 Firebase 项目
- 现有 Android 应用与 Firebase 的集成
这篇关于使用其 SHA1 密钥凭据完全删除项目(Firebase 和 Cloud)所需的时间?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!