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    2. 默认情况下,未分配的常量不会为 nil

      Constant unassigned optional will not be nil by default(默认情况下,未分配的常量不会为 nil)

      <i id='ERMKQ'><tr id='ERMKQ'><dt id='ERMKQ'><q id='ERMKQ'><span id='ERMKQ'><b id='ERMKQ'><form id='ERMKQ'><ins id='ERMKQ'></ins><ul id='ERMKQ'></ul><sub id='ERMKQ'></sub></form><legend id='ERMKQ'></legend><bdo id='ERMKQ'><pre id='ERMKQ'><center id='ERMKQ'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='ERMKQ'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='ERMKQ'><tfoot id='ERMKQ'></tfoot><dl id='ERMKQ'><fieldset id='ERMKQ'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                本文介绍了默认情况下,未分配的常量不会为 nil的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                My understanding so far : If you define an optional variable without assign any values, the compiler will automatically assign the nil



                var someOptional : Int? //Change to `let` to trigger error 
                var aDefaultValue = 42
                var theAnswer = someOptional ?? aDefaultValue

                上面的代码片段可以正常工作,但是,当我将变量 someOptional 更改为常量时,编译器会报错(请参见下图)

                The code snippet above works fine, however, when I changed the variable someOptional to a constant, the compiler yelled an error (Please see the attached figure below)



                I then tried the similar codes to down to the problem.

                var someOptional : Int?


                Still, it works fine with variable while failed with the constant type.


                如果你定义了一个可选的常量,你必须明确地指定 nil.因为它看起来没用(为什么你需要一个用 nil 赋值的常量选项),如果编译器自动为你这样做,它可能会引入错误.

                If you define a constant optional you have to assign the nil explicitly if you mean that. Because it looks useless (why do you need a constant option with assigned with nil), if the compiler did that for you automatically it may introduce an error.


                为什么编译器假定 nilvar 声明的可选值而不是 let 声明的可选值?

                Why does the compiler assume nil for var declared optionals but not for let declared optionals?



                可选变量不需要手动初始化.如果您在填充之前阅读它确实包含 nil.

                来自 Apple 文档

                如果您定义一个可选变量而不提供默认值,则该变量会自动为您设置为 nil [...]

                If you define an optional variable without providing a default value, the variable is automatically set to nil for you [...]

                另一方面,编译器会强制您在读取可选常量 (let) 之前手动初始化它.

                On the other hand the compiler does force you to manually initialize an Optional constant (let) before you can read it.

                与变量不同,常量的值一旦设置就不能更改.尝试这样做会在编译代码时报告为错误 [...]

                Unlike a variable, the value of a constant cannot be changed once it is set. Attempting to do so is reported as an error when your code is compiled [...]




                A constant can be written only once. It doesn't need to happened on the same line it is initialized but it must happened before your read it.


                let num: Int?
                num = 1

                但是,如果编译器在 num 中放置了一个临时 nil 值,那么该常量将被写入两次.这违反了常数的概念.

                However if the compiler had put a temporary nil value inside num then the constant would have been wrote twice. Which is against the concept of constant.

                let num: Int?
                print(num) // nil ??? <- this can't work! 
                num = 1
                print(num) // 1



                Another example

                This code snippet works fine

                func printArea(width: Int?, height:Int?) {
                    let area: Int?
                    if let width = width, height = height {
                        area = width * height
                    } else {
                        area = nil

                同样,如果编译器在 area 中放置了一个临时 nil 值,那么...

                Again, if the compiler had put a temporary nil value inside area then...

                func printArea(width: Int?, height:Int?) {
                    let area: Int?
                    print(area) // not possible! area is going to change in a moment
                     if let width = width, height = height {
                        area = width * height
                    } else {
                        area = nil

                这篇关于默认情况下,未分配的常量不会为 nil的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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