我在 XCode 6.1 中收到以下警告.
属性不可用:iOS 版本上的第一个基线布局属性8.0之前
Attribute Unavailable: First baseline layout attribute on iOS versions prior to 8.0
我认为,这也导致我的 iOS 7.x 构建崩溃.
I think, this is also causing my iOS 7.x builds to crash.
发现问题.此新约束已添加到 iOS 8.0,以前的版本不支持.
Found the issue. This new constraint was added to iOS 8.0 and isn't supported with previous versions.
要消除此警告并允许 iOS 7 构建工作,您需要:
1. 单击侧栏中的警告(这应该会突出显示违规约束)
2. 将该约束更改为第一基线"以外的其他内容.中心 Y"对我来说效果很好.您必须使用这些选项,并且可以实时查看更改以了解哪种替代方案适合您.
To get rid of this warning and allow iOS 7 builds to work you need to:
1. Click on the warning in the side bar (this should highlight the offending constraint)
2. Change that constraint to something other than "First Baseline". "Center Y" worked well for me. You'll have to play with the options and can see the changes live to see which alternative works for you.
iOS 7 现在再次构建,警告消失了.
iOS 7 now builds again and warning is gone.
这篇关于属性不可用:8.0 之前的 iOS 版本上的第一个基线布局属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!