以下代码在 iOS 6.0.1 中完美运行(使用 iOS 虚拟键盘,我按下了输入框上的Go"按钮)
Following code works perfectly in iOS 6.0.1 (using iOS virtual keyboard, I pressed "Go" button on input box)
<form action="http://stackoverflow.com/" target="_blank">
<input type="text" />
但是当我在 iOS 7.0.3 上尝试完全相同的代码时,这根本不起作用.按下 iOS 键盘上的Go"按钮后没有反应.
But when I tried the exact same code on iOS 7.0.3, this does not work at all. No response after I press "Go" button on iOS keyboard.
如果我从表单标签中删除 [target="_blank"],那么它可以正常工作.
If I remove [target="_blank"] from form tag, then it works properly.
I have no idea what is the reason for this problem. Does anyone have the same issue?
默认情况下,Safari iOS 会阻止弹出窗口.
Popups are blocked by safari iOS by default.
通过设置禁用阻止功能 -> Safari -> 阻止弹出窗口.
Disable the block feature by settings -> Safari -> Block Pop-ups.
这篇关于<form target=“_blank">不适用于 iOS 7.0.3的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!