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      1. Swift:按钮圆角打破限制

        Swift: Button round corner breaks contraints(Swift:按钮圆角打破限制)
      2. <i id='FA5CP'><tr id='FA5CP'><dt id='FA5CP'><q id='FA5CP'><span id='FA5CP'><b id='FA5CP'><form id='FA5CP'><ins id='FA5CP'></ins><ul id='FA5CP'></ul><sub id='FA5CP'></sub></form><legend id='FA5CP'></legend><bdo id='FA5CP'><pre id='FA5CP'><center id='FA5CP'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='FA5CP'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='FA5CP'><tfoot id='FA5CP'></tfoot><dl id='FA5CP'><fieldset id='FA5CP'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                • 本文介绍了Swift:按钮圆角打破限制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个表格视图,其中包含通过 xib 加载的自定义单元格,在该单元格中我有状态按钮,右下角应该是圆角的.该按钮的尾随/前导/底部空间限制为 superview=0 和 height=30.

                  I have a tableview with custom cell loaded via xib and in that cell I have status button which bottom right corner should be rounded. The button has constraints Trailing/Leading/Bottom space to superview=0 and height=30.


                  Without rounding it is working perfectly, as soon as I round one corner for example bottom right the constraints breaks

                  self.btnStatus.roundCorners(corners: [.bottomRight], radius: 7.0, borderWidth: nil, borderColor: nil)

                  这里有些人建议调用 layoutSubviews() 但它没有帮助我.

                  Some guys here suggesting to call layoutSubviews() but it didn't helped me.


                  To be more specific I've created simple project where you can have a look into whole project.




                  您可以通过将按钮子类化并通过覆盖其 layoutSubviews() 函数放置舍入"代码来获得更可靠的结果.

                  You can get more reliable results by subclassing your button and placing your "rounding" code by overriding its layoutSubviews() function.

                  首先,如果你想添加一个边框,你不想添加多个边框子层"......所以将你的 UIView 扩展名更改为:

                  First, if you want to add a border, you don't want to add multiple "border sublayers" ... so change your UIView extension to this:

                  extension UIView {
                      func roundCorners(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat, borderWidth: CGFloat?, borderColor: UIColor?) {
                          let maskPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius))
                          let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
                          maskLayer.frame = self.bounds
                          maskLayer.path = maskPath.cgPath
                          self.layer.mask = maskLayer
                          self.layer.masksToBounds = true
                          if (borderWidth != nil && borderColor != nil) {
                              // remove previously added border layer
                              for layer in layer.sublayers! {
                                  if layer.name == "borderLayer" {
                              let borderLayer = CAShapeLayer()
                              borderLayer.frame = self.bounds;
                              borderLayer.path  = maskPath.cgPath;
                              borderLayer.lineWidth = borderWidth ?? 0;
                              borderLayer.strokeColor = borderColor?.cgColor;
                              borderLayer.fillColor   = UIColor.clear.cgColor;
                              borderLayer.name = "borderLayer"


                  Next, add a UIButton subclass:

                  class RoundedButton: UIButton {
                      var corners: UIRectCorner?
                      var radius = CGFloat(0.0)
                      var borderWidth = CGFloat(0.0)
                      var borderColor: UIColor?
                      override func layoutSubviews() {
                          // don't apply mask if corners is not set, or if radius is Zero
                          guard let _corners = corners, radius > 0.0 else {
                          roundCorners(corners: _corners, radius: radius, borderWidth: borderWidth, borderColor: borderColor)

                  这给您带来了一些好处:1) 当按钮框架发生变化时(例如,旋转设备),它将更新其遮罩层框架,以及 2) 您可以从自定义单元类 中设置这些值或来自 cellForRowAt.

                  This gives you a couple benefits: 1) It will update its mask layer frame when the button frame changes (rotating the device, for example), and 2) you could set these values either from your custom cell class or from cellForRowAt.

                  无论哪种方式,将您的 btnStatus 类从 UIButton 更改为 RoundedButton - 在情节提要和 @IBOutlet 连接.

                  Either way, change your btnStatus class from UIButton to RoundedButton - both in your storyboard and the @IBOutlet connection.

                  然后将您的 CustomTableViewCell 更改为:

                  Then change your CustomTableViewCell to this:

                  class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
                      @IBOutlet weak var btnStatus: RoundedButton!
                      override func awakeFromNib() {
                          // set up corner maskign
                          btnStatus.corners = .bottomRight
                          btnStatus.radius = 7.0
                          // set if desired
                  //      btnStatus.borderWidth = 2.0
                  //      btnStatus.borderColor = .blue
                      override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
                          super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)
                          // Configure the view for the selected state

                  最后,您的 cellForRowAt 函数变为:

                  And finally, your cellForRowAt function becomes:

                  func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
                      let cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "customCell", for: indexPath) as! CustomTableViewCell
                      return cell





                  iOS AutoLayout - get frame size width(iOS AutoLayout - 获取帧大小宽度)
                  Auto layout constraints issue on iOS7 in UITableViewCell(UITableViewCell中iOS7上的自动布局约束问题)
                  How to resize superview to fit all subviews with autolayout?(如何调整超级视图的大小以适应所有具有自动布局的子视图?)
                  Springs in Auto Layout: Distribute views evenly, with constraints, in Xcode 5(自动布局中的弹簧:在 Xcode 5 中使用约束均匀分布视图)
                  reloadData() of UITableView with Dynamic cell heights causes jumpy scrolling(具有动态单元格高度的 UITableView 的 reloadData() 导致跳跃滚动)
                  What is NSLayoutConstraint quot;UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Heightquot; and how should I go about forcing it to recalculate cleanly?(什么是 NSLayoutConstraint“UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height?我应该如何强制它干净地重新计算?) - IT屋-程序员
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