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        通过为不同市场发布单独的应用程序来本地化 iPhone 应用程序

        iPhone app localization by releasing separate apps for different markets(通过为不同市场发布单独的应用程序来本地化 iPhone 应用程序)

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                  本文介绍了通过为不同市场发布单独的应用程序来本地化 iPhone 应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在瑞典 App Store 上有一个应用程序,我打算适应其他一些市场.在这种情况下,本地化最重要的部分是改变应用程序在不同市场(国家)的工作方式的某些方面,所以这主要不是语言适应.

                  I have an app on the Swedish App Store which I intend to adapt to some other markets. In this case, the most important part of the localization is to change some aspects of how the app works for different markets (countries), so this is not primarily about language adaptations.

                  我可能不会使用常规的内置机制进行本地化.相反,我考虑为不同的市场构建单独的版本,并将它们作为单独的应用程序在 App Store 上发布(具有相同的图标和相似的名称),每个应用程序仅在一个国家/地区可用.

                  Probably, I will not use the normal built-in mechanisms for localization. Instead I consider to build separate versions for different markets and release them as separate apps on App Store (with the same icon and similar names), with each one of them only available in one country.


                  1) 由于 App Store 支持的语言少于 iOS,因此 Apple 已将多个国家/地区的 App Store 语言定义为英国英语(例如丹麦、挪威).除非我为这些国家/地区发布完全独立的应用程序,否则我无法用他们自己的语言进行良好的推销.

                  1) Since App Store supports fewer languages than iOS, there are several countries where Apple has defined the App Store language to be UK English (e.g. Denmark, Norway). Then I cannot create a good sales pitch in their own language, unless I release completely separate apps for these countries.

                  2) 我认为实现本地化会更快,在这种特殊情况下,通过在源代码中插入编译器指令并为不同市场制作不同的 Xcode 目标.(这可能是由于我的应用程序的第一个版本的架构不太智能,但这是当前状态.)

                  2) I think it will be faster for me to implement the localization, in this particular case, by inserting compiler directives in the source code and make different Xcode targets for different markets. (This may be caused by a not so smart architecture of the first version of my app, by nevertheless, this is the current state.)


                  为不同的市场发布单独的应用程序是否有任何缺点,除了会增加管理这一明显的缺点?(例如,在 App Store 上获得良好排名的不利因素、被拒绝的风险等......)

                  Are there any drawbacks of releasing separate apps for different markets, except the obvious one that there will be more administration? (e.g. less favourable for achieving good ranking on App Store, risk of rejection, etc...)


                  • 无法在应用商店中发布 2 个同名应用
                  • 禁令风险
                  • App Store 支持的语言少于 iOS 本地化
                  • iOS 本地化比创建多个副本更快
                  • 维护多个副本、更改和更新所有副本是一项巨大的开销
                  • 不利于在 App Store 上获得良好排名
                  • 被拒绝的风险
                  • App Store Review Guidelines,其中之一就是

                    App Store Review Guidelines, one of them is that


                    developers should not "spam" the app store with multiple versions of the same app with minor changes.

                    这篇关于通过为不同市场发布单独的应用程序来本地化 iPhone 应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  iOS AutoLayout - get frame size width(iOS AutoLayout - 获取帧大小宽度)
                  Auto layout constraints issue on iOS7 in UITableViewCell(UITableViewCell中iOS7上的自动布局约束问题)
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