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        SPP profile bluetooth iOS(SPP配置文件蓝牙iOS)
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                  有人有 iOS 的 SPP 通信(通过蓝牙串行)的示例代码吗?我需要在我的微芯片图片和 iPhone 或 iPod 之间进行通信.

                  does anyone got a sample code of SPP communication ( serial over bluetooth ) for iOS ? I'd need to communicate between my microchip pic and an iphone or iPod.

                  我知道我需要一个经过批准的苹果蓝牙 rs232<->BT 加密狗,我也有一些带有 MFi 合同的 ;)

                  I know I need a approved apple bluetooth rs232<->BT dongle and I have some with a MFi contract too ;)




                  For people like me who were looking at infos.

                  如果您不打算在 iOS 和相关的核心蓝牙中使用蓝牙 LE 设备,您需要来自认证供应商的 MFi 许可证和蓝牙模块.

                  If you are not going to use Bluetooth LE devices with iOS and the associated corebluetooth, you need a MFi licence and bluetooth module from a certified vendor.

                  使用这些模块不涉及核心蓝牙,而是另一件事.看看 EADemo 如何连接MFi设备的演示通过这种方式可以访问链接的蓝牙模块.

                  Using those modules does not involve the corebluetooth but another thing. Have a look at the EADemo Demo on how to link to MFi device The linked bluetooth module will be accessible this way.




                  iOS AutoLayout - get frame size width(iOS AutoLayout - 获取帧大小宽度)
                  Auto layout constraints issue on iOS7 in UITableViewCell(UITableViewCell中iOS7上的自动布局约束问题)
                  How to resize superview to fit all subviews with autolayout?(如何调整超级视图的大小以适应所有具有自动布局的子视图?)
                  Springs in Auto Layout: Distribute views evenly, with constraints, in Xcode 5(自动布局中的弹簧:在 Xcode 5 中使用约束均匀分布视图)
                  reloadData() of UITableView with Dynamic cell heights causes jumpy scrolling(具有动态单元格高度的 UITableView 的 reloadData() 导致跳跃滚动)
                  What is NSLayoutConstraint quot;UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Heightquot; and how should I go about forcing it to recalculate cleanly?(什么是 NSLayoutConstraint“UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height?我应该如何强制它干净地重新计算?) - IT屋-程序员

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