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        将水平 recylerview 的滚动与 viewpager 滚动同步

        Sync scroll of horizontal recylerview with viewpager scroll(将水平 recylerview 的滚动与 viewpager 滚动同步)

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                • 本文介绍了将水平 recylerview 的滚动与 viewpager 滚动同步的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我已经使用 snap helper 实现了该功能,所有工作正常我唯一想要的是我想将 recyclerview 的滚动与 viewpager 滚动同步,这是我无法实现的.




                   @Overridepublic void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {myRecyler..scrollBy(positionOffsetPixels,0);}

                  但它的奇怪行为我也试过 scrollToPositionWithOffset


                  但都失败了,我使用 snap helpers,所以所选项目将位于第一个位置.




                  您需要将 viewpager 的 positionoffset 传递给函数,因为您说 scrollToPositionWithOffset 是正确的方法,但您需要在此之前进行一些计算.


                  protected void scrollToTab(int position, float positionOffset) {int 滚动偏移 = 0;if (mItemWidth == 1 && yourrecylerview != null) {查看孩子 = yourrecylerview.getChildAt(0);如果(孩子!= null){mItemWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth() * 2;}}查看 selectedView = yourlayoutmanager.findViewByPosition(position);查看 nextView = yourlayoutmanager.findViewByPosition(position + 1);如果(下一个视图!= null){if (selectedView != null) {int width = yourrecylerview.getMeasuredWidth();浮动 sLeft = (位置 == 0) ?24:宽度/mItemWidth - selectedView.getMeasuredWidth()/mItemWidth;//选中标签的左边缘浮动 sRight = sLeft + selectedView.getMeasuredWidth();//选中标签的右边缘浮动 nLeft = 宽度/mItemWidth - nextView.getMeasuredWidth()/mItemWidth;//下一个标签的左边缘浮动距离 = sRight - nLeft;//到下一个选项卡所需的总距离浮动 dx = 距离 * 位置偏移;scrollOffset = (int) (sLeft - dx);} 别的 {scrollOffset = (mItemWidth/2) * (-1);//mRequestScrollToTab = true;}如果(位置!= 0){//scrollOffset=scrollOffset-10;}mIndicatorPosition = 位置;yourrecylerview.stopScroll();如果((位置!= mOldPosition || scrollOffset != mOldScrollOffset)){yourlayoutmanager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, scrollOffset);}}别的{//有时视图为空以处理该情况yourrecylerview.scrollToPosition(位置);yourviewpager.setCurrentItem(位置);}mOldPosition = 位置;mOldScrollOffset = 滚动偏移;mOldPositionOffset=位置偏移;}


                   @Overridepublic void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {scrollToTab(位置,位置偏移);}



                  i have a view pager with some values, same count for the recycler view abovethe recylerview(Act like a tablayout)

                  i have achieved the function with snap helper and all working fine only thing i want is i want to sync the scroll of the recyclerview with viewpager scroll, which i cant able to achive.

                  The below is what i want to achive

                  But what i am getting is like below

                  i override the scroll of view page but have no use

                          public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {

                  But its making strange behavior i also tried scrollToPositionWithOffset


                  but both failed, i use snap helperso the selected item will be on the first position.

                  Can any one help me to achieve the effect like the above one.


                  I also had the same problem as you havent provided proper info am adding the following snippet

                  You need to pass the positionoffset of viewpager to the funtion as you said scrollToPositionWithOffset is the correct way but you need to do some calculation before that.

                  Check the following code

                  protected void scrollToTab(int position, float positionOffset) {
                      int scrollOffset = 0;
                      if (mItemWidth == 1 && yourrecylerview != null) {
                          View child = yourrecylerview.getChildAt(0);
                          if (child != null) {
                              mItemWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth() * 2;
                      View selectedView = yourlayoutmanager.findViewByPosition(position);
                      View nextView = yourlayoutmanager.findViewByPosition(position + 1);
                      if (nextView != null) {
                          if (selectedView != null) {
                              int width = yourrecylerview.getMeasuredWidth();
                              float sLeft = (position == 0) ? 24 : width / mItemWidth - selectedView.getMeasuredWidth() / mItemWidth; // left edge of selected tab
                              float sRight = sLeft + selectedView.getMeasuredWidth(); // right edge of selected tab
                              float nLeft = width / mItemWidth - nextView.getMeasuredWidth() / mItemWidth; // left edge of next tab
                              float distance = sRight - nLeft; // total distance that is needed to distance to next tab
                              float dx = distance * positionOffset;
                              scrollOffset = (int) (sLeft - dx);
                          } else {
                              scrollOffset = (mItemWidth/2) * (-1);
                              //mRequestScrollToTab = true;
                          if (position != 0) {
                              // scrollOffset=scrollOffset-10;
                          mIndicatorPosition = position;
                          if ((position != mOldPosition || scrollOffset != mOldScrollOffset)) {
                              yourlayoutmanager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, scrollOffset);
                          //Sometimes view go null for handling that situvation
                      mOldPosition = position;
                      mOldScrollOffset = scrollOffset;

                  Add the above methord on you addOnPageChangeListener of viewpager

                          public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
                                       scrollToTab(position, positionOffset);

                  I have made a sample which help you if you want further verification RecyclerParallelViewPager go to link to see the solution

                  Hope this will help you

                  这篇关于将水平 recylerview 的滚动与 viewpager 滚动同步的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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