有没有人举例说明如何在 iOS 4+ 中从 ABAddressBook 获取特定的 ABSource?
Does anyone have an example of how to obtain a specific ABSource from the ABAddressBook in iOS 4+?
iOS 4+ 提供了新的 API,允许从 ABAddressBook 中选择特定的 ABSource.这可能对某些操作有用,例如某些来源(例如 Exchange)不支持创建 ABGroup.
iOS 4+ provides new API that allows one to select a specific ABSource from the ABAddressBook. This may be useful as some operations, e.g. creating an ABGroup, are not supported in some sources (i.e. Exchange).
并非所有源类型都支持组,更明显的是,Exchange 对组一无所知."- http://flavors.me/volonbolon#1a5/tumblr
"Not all source types support groups, more conspicuously, Exchange does not know anything about groups." - http://flavors.me/volonbolon#1a5/tumblr
附加的是利用新 API 获取特定类型源的函数,这些源可用于调用 ABGroupCreateInSource().
Attached are functions that leverage the new API to obtain sources of specific types which may be used in calls to ABGroupCreateInSource().
#define CFRELEASE_AND_NIL(x) CFRelease(x); x=nil;
ABRecordRef sourceWithType (ABSourceType mySourceType)
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
CFArrayRef sources = ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllSources(addressBook);
CFIndex sourceCount = CFArrayGetCount(sources);
ABRecordRef resultSource = NULL;
for (CFIndex i = 0 ; i < sourceCount; i++) {
ABRecordRef currentSource = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sources, i);
CFTypeRef sourceType = ABRecordCopyValue(currentSource, kABSourceTypeProperty);
BOOL isMatch = mySourceType == [(NSNumber *)sourceType intValue];
if (isMatch) {
resultSource = currentSource;
return resultSource;
ABRecordRef localSource()
return sourceWithType(kABSourceTypeLocal);
ABRecordRef exchangeSource()
return sourceWithType(kABSourceTypeExchange);
ABRecordRef mobileMeSource()
return sourceWithType(kABSourceTypeMobileMe);
这篇关于在 iOS 4+ 中从 ABAddressBook 获取特定的 ABSource的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!